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Submitted By Mike Wagner (lains_navi)


This theme is based on the Aluminum Alloy OSX theme by Max at


  • Now compatible with Adium X 0.8

  • Buddy icons now use glyphs designed by Max Rudburg! (with permission, of course ^_^ )
  • Redesigned the message and context message images to use different gradients and an inner stroke.
  • Updated the Smog, Toxic, and Volcanic themes to use the right background color.



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# by michelebugliaro on 11/02/04 at 20:31:39

I like it!

# by lains_navi on 11/12/04 at 06:46:21

Version 1.1.1 changes the arrow image to look a bit nicer

# by Scottish on 11/16/04 at 19:15:58

It doesn't really scream Aluminum Alloy to me... It's not... slick enough. Alternating the shadow position between incoming and outgoing messages is slightly jarring, and they theme itself is... lighter, on the whole, than your message style.

A good effort, but I believe it needs some work.

# by mnkeybsness on 11/19/04 at 20:51:47

bevels are ugly.

# by lains_navi on 11/20/04 at 15:27:29

well, at least you're honest ^.-
I'm having trouble trying to come up w/ a solution to the context and regular message images. still a work in progress. the first solution I came up w/ for this version was much worse, trust me ^.-
Hopefully the next version will be better. probably going to work on it some today. like i said, having trouble coming up w/ a solution -_- . i think i'm going to try just eliminating the bevels for the message images just to see how that looks next...

# by michelebugliaro on 11/21/04 at 18:05:17

Flames look good mate.

# by Fortis on 11/21/04 at 23:05:19

Why not get Max's permission (from what I've seen he's a really nice guy about this sort of thing) and use the glyphs from the AA Desktops?

# by lains_navi on 11/21/04 at 23:51:28

hmm... I dunno. That's not a bad idea. I may at some point. i do kinda like my fire icon a little more than his, but the others he has look a bit nicer. I may send him an email asking him a little later today or something ^^

# by lains_navi on 11/25/04 at 15:44:56

Next version will feature buddy icons using Max's original theme icons ^_^ . Max gave me the go ahead. I'll also make another design for the message frames. I'll probably make it as a second variation. The theme should be out sometime next week ^^

# by Dylan1077 on 04/14/05 at 06:34:23

Great work, this is one of my favorite SS themes. :)

# by Boramor on 05/06/05 at 16:27:38

w00t. Rock on!

# by on 05/17/05 at 22:30:40

i have been looking for something like this for ever but never thought to look here

this rocks

# by kailakat2490 on 06/17/05 at 19:16:17

the preview is trippy!

# by lains_navi on 06/19/05 at 00:01:48

yeah, i know. some sort of gif rescale error. if you click it to view it in fullscreen it looks ok. that's why i mentioned to enlarge the preview to get a better look

# by spyker3292 on 08/10/05 at 13:52:02

Hey Great design I also like the icon. I was wondering if you could resize it (to 50x50) for me and email it to me (the icon) so I can use it as a buddy icon.

# by spyker3292 on 08/10/05 at 13:54:54

O and the top bar doesn't change for me. Could ya help me

# by lains_navi on 08/10/05 at 14:36:30

In order to change the top bar, you need to use an application called ShapeShifter and use Max's Aluminum Alloy OS X theme. ShapeShifter costs $20, but it has a 7-day trial. It can be found here:

As for the icon, I'm pretty sure that'd go against my agreement w/ Max on the use of his Aluminum Alloy icons. Sorry ^^;

# by lains_navi on 09/29/05 at 00:10:57

The preview was really getting on my nerves (stupid gif resizing glitch), so I finally uploaded a small version that's the same as what it would normally be resized to. So, no more larger preview.

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3.10 / 202 votes
Current Version: 3.0.1
Last Updated: 05/04/05
Images created by Mike Wagner. Buddy Icon glyphs provided by Max Rudburg. Code created by Brad Smith and edited by Mike Wagner