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Submitted By Huw Rowlands (huwr)


Takes the name of a topic, then turns it into a url that, when clicked on, performs a query at Wikipedia.

Works like so:

/wikipedia{dogs with pockets}
returns: dogs with pockets:

If you wish to make a request / bug-report / marriage proposal, etc. please feel free to contact me.

What's new in v0.2?
- Instead of one script that just searches v0.2 comes with four scripts,,, and You install the language you want to search.


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# by jack on 12/15/04 at 05:54:22

Hey, nice script. About the subroutine, Adium just inserts the result of the 'substitute' subroutine into the message - that's how these script filters work. -Jack Gill

# by on 12/17/04 at 08:58:06

Can you make the same soft with or another linguage. Thanks

# by huwr on 12/17/04 at 09:10:57

Traeb, sure. I will do it and include it in this package.

# by Reikon on 01/22/05 at 00:53:07

Maybe you can try to HTMLize it, similar to the Google search script... i.e. Wikipedia - dogs with pockets (and it be a link)

# by Catfish_Man on 02/08/05 at 04:21:03


# by on 03/21/05 at 16:57:21

is it possible to have it so we can hover over a word and have it search for a wikipedia entry? i like it though

# by on 03/21/05 at 18:45:37

I second Michael's idea of being able to highlight current text for the entry.

Also, my stubby fingers have enough trouble typing without having to type out "wikipedia", could we just do /w?

# by huwr on 03/22/05 at 04:19:17

When I get the time (ie. exams are over) then I will probably implement features suggested by Reikon and Silus Grok.

I won't be able to do the thing with highlighting current text, though. That is beyond my skill. Feel free to write a script that does it, though. I'll be impressed :)

# by on 06/24/05 at 14:37:51

It looks a really neet script! Isnt this possible for googling things???

# by kamelen on 08/24/05 at 19:49:25

Great! ^^

except I can find the } sign on my PB :)

# by huwr on 04/29/07 at 09:48:19

It's at the top right. ;)

# by ParanoidAndroid on 11/24/06 at 14:49:32

Could you perhaps make an option to return an article, instead of simply a search? If I want to send somebody to say, the Adium article, I would want to sen them to, not a search.

# by huwr on 04/29/07 at 09:51:36

/wikipedia{Adium} is . Clicking that will redirect them to the real Adium article if it can find an obvious one.

# by huwr on 04/29/07 at 09:52:27

Okay, so I still haven't got around to making version 0.3 with HTMLised output and shorthand... Soon, okay?

# by bittin on 10/04/08 at 22:11:57

Can come in handy =)

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3.20 / 47 votes
Current Version: 0.2
Last Updated: 12/17/04
Jack Gill, whose Define It v2.5 script I took a lot of inspiration from (ie. copied code from)