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Submitted By Takumi Murayama (zaudragon)


Usage: /l{Some Text}

See Chris Lawson's ReadMe since most of the information is the same, except for the letters. Just see for yourself!

The Alphabet: ^ 13 { [} ? 1= & {=} ! ; {< 1_ 1v1 // () 1> 9 12 $ 7 1_1 < (n) >< j ~/_
Are just some examples. For a full list, go to The Wikipeda Leet page.

Note: Any Applescript will work inside the {}s with the /l script!

New in 1.1:
  • Random letter variants! (so "A" can come out as "4", "/\", "@", "/-\", "^")
  • No more /1_££7 invoking, just useless :)



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# by zaudragon on 12/15/04 at 00:15:50

The screenshot is wrong BTW I did the screenshot in an old version of my script, when it was still invoked by /leet Now it will exist at the same time as 13375p33k!


# by Anonymous on 12/15/04 at 08:07:54

Not to criticize the leetness, but there are much better characters you could have chosen. Either this leetspeek is going to be hard to understand, or it's just too leet for us.

# by Jaey on 12/15/04 at 20:22:25

That's hardcore leet right there.

# by zaudragon on 12/16/04 at 00:09:48

My belief is that Leet was made as a code so people can't understand it sometimes. Backslashes and Pipes didn't work well in the script, sorry, so I resorted to other alternatives. The C, D, E, and H might not be standard leet, these I picked out myself!

# by Nooon on 12/21/04 at 00:10:48

Cool! (though totally unreadable.. :)

# by zaudragon on 12/21/04 at 00:28:10 is my new version but I don't know what's wrong with it! All it does is not display any results!

# by zaudragon on 12/21/04 at 17:15:57

Got it fixed, will upload the new binary :)

Thanks to evands and hypercube!!!

# by on 01/15/05 at 08:33:12

well. im not very found of scripts that is supposet to make people seem more leet than they are, like this.

1337 5p33cH i5 n07 f0R 7h3 c0mMoN m4s5.


# by zaudragon on 01/17/05 at 22:06:13

7{=}!$ ;v5-|- (v)/={

# by on 01/21/05 at 00:52:00

is there a way to un-leet this text? it's pretty neat the way you have this script set up, but it's almost illegible.

# by zaudragon on 01/23/05 at 06:44:48

theboinkbaron: I'll try that, but there are some letters that are the same (like & and 1, they're used a few times)

# by BSDGuyShawn on 09/08/05 at 00:37:19

Any text sent with this script installed that has a /l in it will not go through.

for example:

should the /l only be treated as the leet script if the {} chars are present?

# by zaudragon on 09/08/05 at 01:11:08

I debated changing it to %_l to avoid that. But I decided against it, sinceI thought not many people used this anyway…

# by evands on 06/30/08 at 03:26:46

Cross reference: is another leet translator.

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3.40 / 67 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 12/21/04
Chris Lawson (clawson), for giving permission to expand on his idea, 13375p33k; Schoschie for the random parts; and hypercube and evands for helping me debug the new version