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Submitted By Benjamin Costello (Benjamin)





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# by on 05/28/04 at 19:58:07

Magnificent. :)

# by snowtrap6 on 03/18/07 at 22:49:57


# by sc984 on 11/21/09 at 06:56:40

totally totally

# by arden_lyn on 06/01/04 at 18:52:46

I love Domo-kun! And now he's on my dock!

# by on 06/06/04 at 00:02:55

I love this icon, but I wish there was a domo-kun to show when you are away.

# by Anonymous on 06/06/04 at 00:02:58

# by nanashi on 07/22/04 at 07:51:16


# by Anonymous on 07/28/04 at 13:34:45

My fav icon!!

# by xshinsei on 08/30/04 at 21:40:12

Wonderful. No one can top this (for me at least). :)

# by Philipp on 11/14/04 at 12:10:32

love it!

# by on 11/30/04 at 20:50:20

this kicks some much ass!

# by Domo Kun fan on 03/18/05 at 13:22:19

DOMO KUN ROCKS. Someday he will take over the world. lol

# by rigolusmanouche on 05/29/09 at 01:02:14

He already has. . . LOL

# by on 04/14/05 at 21:11:06

DOMO KUN ROCKS. i agree, some day he will take over the world. ALL BOW TO DOMO KUN!!!!!!!!

# by on 06/13/05 at 15:58:51

this is the 3rd time I'm installing Adium and every time, the first dock icon I just don't want to miss is this one, great!

# by msgates on 01/12/06 at 00:35:26

too good.

# by quozu on 01/13/06 at 11:03:10

as a fan of this icon you might like this aswell:
I hope I'm not violating any rules by posting this link :S

# by fb_ on 02/16/06 at 06:23:27

i love him on my dock. id like to hv him at status symbol as well :)
he is well cool! nice job

# by AlBucko on 07/14/06 at 20:16:05

I loved this dock icon so much I made a desktop background to go with it, if anyone's interested you can find it here:
It's much better than that dodgy flash game....

# by xstudio on 10/06/06 at 14:58:32

How do i make my own? sorry newbie to this Adium... can someone guide me? I read the instructions though but still not clear bout the procedure... Thanx

# by Pinky_von_Pout on 10/16/06 at 01:22:18

Just what I was looking for, matches my new desktop perfectly, thank you!

5 duckies o/

# by enkuturi-akrias on 10/21/06 at 16:28:21

is like very cute and awesome! 5 ducks and 1 download

# by adium on 12/29/06 at 20:28:33

who is domo-kun?

# by Hank-the-Cowdog on 01/13/07 at 06:41:26

I dunno either.

Looks nicely done, good job.

# by zpriss on 03/15/07 at 01:49:13

As you're probably gathered, he is the mascot of NHK (Nippon Hōsō Kyōkai), or the Japan Broadcasting Corporation. wikipedia definition:

Oh my beloved Domo-kun!! (pronounced 'koon') Thank you for the lovely icon on my dock…it’s da best!!! =)

# by kikuman on 03/27/07 at 20:05:17

Thx a bunch for great dock icon!

# by kikuman on 03/27/07 at 20:06:39

lol, sorry nvm the previous comment.
I meant the icon is really nice, Thanks!

# by tasmanian_devil on 05/19/07 at 23:34:51

Why did I say he was gross? I like the dock icon he is cute. Sry bout that. :S

# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 06/15/07 at 03:39:04

Is he made of tofu?

# by duckydude1 on 08/01/07 at 14:55:38


# by alecocco on 08/01/07 at 18:30:10

It's fantastic! 5!

# by katarina154 on 08/28/07 at 04:02:01

so awesome.

# by HalaUAE on 10/01/07 at 17:37:57

Thats look amazing :D العاب بنات

# by tasmanian_devil on 10/10/07 at 01:06:37

omg omg omg someone should make a tofu dock icon- i will like asap.

# by mulletkid24 on 10/19/07 at 23:13:09

can someone tell me how to delete dock icons from adium? or is there a way i can do so?
contact info in my profile

# by Adamouk on 11/24/07 at 14:49:59

haha great! love it ;)

# by Jim on 01/03/08 at 18:11:10

Someone?! Please update for Leopard. I love it!

# by antonia on 05/24/08 at 18:03:37

It's great!Thanks for sharing!

# by gpn514 on 01/30/09 at 19:50:50

how do u use it srry i am new

# by gokhanege on 08/27/09 at 13:22:48

Thanks you very much this is very nice animating in flash. Using my web site cd

# by sidisnotmyname on 12/21/09 at 06:34:33

mabuhay! this is so cool! thanks

# by apple113 on 01/19/10 at 01:04:35

Domo isn't jumping/alerting when the dock is hidden. Can you fix that?

# by Calsonic on 01/19/10 at 01:20:30

Ya , its cool but do not move a lot. I would like a very active adiumy

# by patman162 on 02/07/10 at 01:34:15

that's killer

# by ikiller on 08/19/10 at 19:22:02

dam mice.~

# by lolz!me on 09/01/10 at 20:18:23

heyyy.... does anyone know how to work adium!!?? cuz i am ReAllY stuck plz help me. (please) =)

# by xemino on 01/28/11 at 00:16:15

very funneh, thanks!

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3.80 / 1627 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 05/15/04
Created by Matthew Bice