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Heavyish Metal

Heavyish Metal

Submitted By Andy Allcorn (bob_the_gorilla)


For those who love brushed metal. If you're not a believer, look away now...

Based heavily on an idea tedger posted in a screenshot on the forums, but with a few tweaks to make it fit more with my desktop. I decided to share - hope you have no objections tedger :)

Online / offline indicators are green and red text respectively, typing indicator is white text. Idle and away are shades of grey, as you can see!

Paired combination.



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# by on 11/15/04 at 16:22:20

Lovin it man !

# by wolfy on 11/17/04 at 00:02:06

Very nice, very simple, very sleek. I give it a 2. I mean 10! :-)

# by bob_the_gorilla on 11/19/04 at 23:30:14

11, surely? ;) I still use this myself, which is quite unusual as I love to tinker with things.

# by CREB on 11/30/04 at 16:30:35

Thanks! Clean and effective.

# by Legolas on 12/23/04 at 19:15:36

I like it! I have spent a long time looking for a buddy list layout, and I like this one best!

# by Laurel on 03/07/05 at 19:39:44


# by on 03/11/05 at 10:14:22

hm how do i get this to work i selected the list layout and the colour layout but it looks like a black bar here, isn't it compatible with the new 0.8 beta? Or did i just forget to adjust something?

# by bob_the_gorilla on 03/11/05 at 10:22:50

You need to set it to use the included image (metal.png) as a background. :)

# by bob_the_gorilla on 03/11/05 at 10:31:37

Sorry, it's called BackgroundImage.png. Your issue with the beta is probably to do with your window style - background images don't work with any of the "bubbles" styles, and contact list themes are no longer allowed to choose the window style - you'll have to set it manually to borderless window or normal window.

# by kungfumakker on 09/18/05 at 12:22:39

Clean and simple. Perfect. A no brainer for the minimalist.

# by Some_Guy on 08/12/06 at 03:43:50

The backround doesn't seem to be working. :( I am running 0.89.1, and the window style is a regular window.

# by michelebugliaro on 02/03/07 at 06:28:53

I don't see the background image.

# by michelebugliaro on 02/03/07 at 06:31:39

The install version comes with no image, while the download version has it: "Backgroundimage.png".

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73.81kb (18241 downloads)

3.70 / 174 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 11/14/04
Well, I pilfered Tedger's idea, so I guess that's pretty obvious...