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Light Rain

Light Rain

Submitted By Marcus Hesse (burpethead)


A dark translucent contact list style.

Online buddies: white

away and/or idle buddies: yellow

idle buddies: gray

Very simple and extremely pretty list style. However, it looks bad over a bright desktop.

Update: Version 1.1 turns off automatically adjusting horizontally. Adium 0.72 created an issue which made the list to thin.

Update: Version 1.2 finally adds support for the newer versions of Adium.

***NEW STYLE***: Visible Rain:


updated to support the later versions of Adium. Also made it thinner.



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# by on 11/13/04 at 02:54:58

I have used this buddy list style for a long time, and I find it to be very unobtrusive yet dynamic and informative. It is well done. Five Stars and a must download!

# by swimmergal on 11/14/04 at 16:23:37

*dude- a 5 star buddy list!!!
*better than any i've seen
*must have

suggestions: make it color-changeable

rating (out of 5): 5

# by on 11/18/04 at 03:25:16

I modded it a slight bit to fit with my theme, but otherwise it's... perfect! 5/5

# by Fischer on 12/03/04 at 17:28:14

really great style.

6 of 5 points ;)

# by leslie on 04/10/05 at 23:39:59

ok, well from the sounds of it this was a great list style. that was until i downloaded it. this style must not work with the new beta version. mine definitely is NOT translucent, not to mention its black, not blue...... any ideas to help me fix this?

# by zaudragon on 02/01/06 at 01:56:18

Translucency is in the Appearance panel, and is named “Opacity”. Also, it’s meant to be black, not blue; the colour varies upon your background colour because of its opacity.

# by theclerks on 01/29/06 at 16:38:49

5 Ducks!!
its awesome thanks dude :p

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1.58kb (5232 downloads)

3.30 / 101 votes
Current Version: 1.2
Last Updated: 01/27/06
Marcus Hesse