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Submitted By yuzawa-san


A plugin which marks GTalk contacts who use Android clients as mobile.

Android phones include the word 'android' or 'MessagingA' in the Jabber resource they use. This plugin finds this and marks contacts accordingly as shown in the screenshot.


1.1: initial

1.2: updated Android mobile resource names.



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# by jotzi on 03/13/13 at 17:58:58

Great plugin.
I don't know if here is the right place to ask but... is it possibile to implement the same for skype and facebook contacts too?
Thank you

# by yuzawa-san on 03/13/13 at 18:28:51

I do not know if Skype sends any information about mobile devices in its connection metadata. If you use SkypePlugin, I would ask the developer about adding this. I know for a fact that people marked as mobile on Facebook are marked as offline in Jabber, so there is no way to differentiate between offline friends and mobile friends. I will look into this, but it currently does not seem promising.

# by jotzi on 03/13/13 at 18:41:39

Thank you for the fast answer.
I will ask in the SkypePlugin page.
And for Facebook, if there are any developements will you notify it here?

# by yuzawa-san on 03/13/13 at 18:45:29

Yes, but from my brief searching, it does not seem likely that I will be able to mark mobile Facebook buddies. Facebook simply does not give Adium or any chat client that information.

# by jotzi on 03/13/13 at 18:58:48

I thought, since Facebook does mark buddies in chat when connected via mobile, that it was possible to retrieve that information directly from Facebook. But if it is Facebook that gives or not informations specifically to the chat client, probably there's no way out.
Still, I'll check this page if things will ever change...
Thank you again!

# by Saltwater on 07/23/14 at 00:20:40

Can you compile to be 32 bits compatible? My Macbook says it's "not compatible architecture binary"

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Current Version: 1.2
Last Updated: 08/06/13