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Notification Center

Notification Center

Submitted By Xavier Parra (Huevoos)


A contact list style that matches notification center as close as I could.

I have it hidden on the edge of the screen so it slides when I bring the mouse to it.

Recommended Settings:

- Borderless window
- Opacity: 100%
- Don't size to fit vertically (I have it with 100% height)
- Size to fit horizontally



You can find the background image here.


OSX Lion should display the background image automatically.



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# by skeet70 on 06/20/12 at 20:15:18

Registered for this. This is a great list, just wanted to add that you have download and set the background yourself (just google "linen tile" in images).
I wanted to ask though, how did you get it to hide on the side, and how did you get the borderless window to be full height? I can't seem to get those two things to work.

# by Huevoos on 06/20/12 at 20:22:48

I didn't realize that the background image wasn't uploaded along with the style.

Thanks, I'll try to fix it.

To get it to hide there's an option in Preferences > Advnaced > Contact List > Automatically Hide: On screen edges

To resize the window to full height I first set it to regular window, hid the toolbar, resized it to full size like any other window and the changed to borderless window.

Hope I could help.

# by skeet70 on 06/20/12 at 20:33:04

Beautiful! Looks great! I'm using the metro experience message style, texturized service icons, and minilittleletters statuses. All meshes really well. Thanks for the quick response!

# by juistm on 09/15/12 at 14:02:40

Where can i set height to 100% ?


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Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 06/20/12