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Submitted By Anton Bronnikov (courteouselk)


Allows to display the track playing currently at in a status message of the account(s) (similar to what standard iTunes status does).

Tested on Adium 1.4.3.

Context and edit menus to insert currently playing track info into chat (e.g. title, artist, album, url). user ID is configured in Adium preferences (under advanced tab).

Source code is available at: with exception to LastFmApiKey.m


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# by yorb on 04/16/12 at 18:26:51

Great idea, thanks for the plugin! However, I can't seem to get it to work most of the time, and when it does, it's pretty spotty. Most of the time it just shows "♫ Title" as my status. Sometimes it shows like half of the artist/track name. Also, please explain what polling is. As far as I can tell, it updates the menu item in the Status menu to show the track title, but it only seems to work if the app is open, even if the app is not showing the current track because it's being scrobbled from somewhere besides iTunes.

Maybe needs an update for Adium 1.5? :)

# by courteouselk on 06/13/12 at 22:29:23

Is it possible that you start Adium in debug mode (clicking Adium icon while command key presse will summon a dialog where you can tick "Start in debug mode" checkbox. Then in Finder open "Go->Library" menu while holding Command key pressed. This will open system Library folder where you navigate to LogsAdium Debug folder. Let your Adium+Plugin run for some time while you listen for some music being scrobbled, then collect *.log files and send them to me at anton.bronnikov ook (ook is apparently to be replaced with "at" sign).

Re. your questions. The way the plugin works is that it would check's for inormation for a specified user ID regularly (that is, polling) at some interval. In case if this user ID has something registered as "playing now", the information gets updated to the status.

# by Roaring_in_the_Dark on 05/29/12 at 04:30:01

Yes, this is a great idea, but I can't even get it to work at all. As yorb said, all it shows for me is "♫ Title." There aren't many details on this plugin's description to go by, either. How does it work? It seems that the best script for Adium is here: - I've been using that script for years and it works excellently. Maybe provide us with more details on how to get this plugin to work properly and I'd love to give it a try.

# by courteouselk on 06/13/12 at 22:30:45

Pls, see above comment.

Sorry for late reply. I am currently far away from Mac development env.

# by kourier on 04/01/14 at 22:04:50

This is working perfectly for me. I selected the "allow polling" option and didn't test without it. You insert LastFM track info token in your custom status with a right-click context menu. "Title" is the track's "Name" + "Artist", I think.

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 11/19/11