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a French Love!

a French Love!

Submitted By lemaxou (lemaxou)


Hello (again! ;-)

One upon a time a strange story of a strange Love:
a green Duck and... a Nokia 6600!!! (what doing in case of babies??? ;-D

Yes, yes ... you guessed: It's in reality the..."a French Duck! 2: The Return! "

I promised more animations and that's it!
It's my second X(tra), this time this file contains 2 versions of "a French Love!":
an english and a... French version (surprising isn't It? ;-)
Please when you comment on it, use a simple english, please! I'm still french and my english is still bad too :-(
... By the way (tongue and language is the same word in french):
"why this @#!# Duck get out his tongue??"
It's simple: Have you try to make a number on this little keys with feathers?? ;-D



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by lemaxou on 10/27/04 at 02:24:26

For the french anf the french friendly, my original message:
"Salut! (encore)(hum bon l? je faisais une petite allusion ? l'imac hum... en fran?ais ?a passe plus du tout!! ;-)

Il ?tait une fois une ?trange histoire d'un ETRANGE (? dire avec une voix pleine de chauve-souris! ;-) amour:
Un canard vert et... un Nokia 6600!!! (que ferons-nous des gosses??? ;-)

Oui, oui ... vous avez devin?: C'est en r?alit? le... "a French Duck!: The return!" (je l'ai laiss? en anglais ?a "frime" plus je trouve! ;-)
(L? j'ai laiss? l'adresse du tout premier X(tra))

J'ai promis plus d'animations, h? bien ?a y est!
C'est mon second X(tra), cette fois le fichier contient 2 versions: une anglaise et une Fran?aise (Etonnant non?)
S'il vous pla?t, quand vous commentez, utilisez un anglais simple, s'il vous pla?t! Je reste fran?ais et mon anglais reste m?diocre :-(
... ? propos de langue:
"Pourquoi ce @#!# canard sort-il sa langue??"
C'est simple: Vous avez d?j? essay? de taper un num?ro sur ces petites touches avec des plumes?? ;-D"

voil? j'ai encore du faire plein d'erreurs... d?sol? (? dire avec la voix de Denisot ;-)

# by frankiefrank25 on 02/20/06 at 12:01:53

and this means....?

# by blaney on 10/22/06 at 04:09:21

This is the original "Description" translated to French.

# by bob_the_gorilla on 10/28/04 at 06:06:21

Nice. Very nice. It made me grin :)

# by BlueRevolution on 10/28/04 at 07:01:53

love it, totally awesome :) you did a great job to get the mouth moving, I was thinking the easiest way would be to use a distortion tool with photoshop or something. uh, I would point out that ducks don't have tongues, but I guess he wouldn't be able to talk without one... unless he's quacking on the phone..?

# by BlueRevolution on 10/28/04 at 07:08:49

oh and by the way, when I gave you advice on how you could make your original icon better I never meant you should make it better than MINE! :D

# by DJ_FoX_MaC_ClouD on 10/28/04 at 10:36:40

lemaxou de mieux en mieux , tu cartonnes ;)

# by Classic on 10/28/04 at 12:09:40

extraordinary!!! This duck love... This duck is alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All those which likes Adium should download it!

# by on 10/28/04 at 12:17:15

What a job!
Have you see when you get email with this skin??
It's so cute!!!!

Hooooo! I like it!!!!


# by michelebugliaro on 10/28/04 at 14:44:46

Veeeeeeeeeeeery nice! Wow!!

# by DJ_FoX_MaC_ClouD on 10/29/04 at 21:57:54

Magnus tu es un rebel :D

# by DJ_FoX_MaC_ClouD on 10/29/04 at 21:58:24

Oups sorry for the double post but

Magnus de MacG?

# by DJ_FoX_MaC_ClouD on 10/29/04 at 21:59:36

3rd post je suis dans les credits c'est sympathique sa :)

# by on 10/31/04 at 06:09:15

halloween or love???
Love french!!!!

# by Quincy on 11/23/04 at 06:17:23

this is THE highest rating i've seen for xtras with 50 or more votes (with maybe the exception of Fiat back when it had 70 votes)... that's incredible!!... great job... obviously a huge success... and if your dock icon hits 1,000 downloads before november 26th, your dock icon will be going at a FASTER monthly pace then my ipod adiumy did in its first month... awesome work

# by on 12/26/04 at 19:44:22

G?nial !!! Vive la France lol ( et Adium bien sur !!!)

# by lemaxou on 01/01/05 at 22:33:17

Sorry for the delay: Whaouooooo!! Thanks for all this comments!!!
I' really don't excpect such a success!!
Thanks for all of you! Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

# by lemaxou on 01/01/05 at 22:34:43

Merci ? vous!! Vraiment! Vous lire dans cette p?riode de No?l est un vrai cadeau!
Voici mon cadeau en retour: Pour les irr?ductibles fran?ais (dont je suis malgr? moi ;-) vous trouverez une version totalement amateur d'Adium 0.73 en fran?ais sur la page "Des Xtra pour Adium" de mon minisite: ;-)

# by on 01/15/05 at 04:27:20


# by on 01/23/05 at 08:37:39

Merci! Cool piece of job! Waiting for new updates.

- Could you get a duck with a Sony Ericsson T610 please?

# by on 01/24/05 at 18:06:20

Que du bonheur Adium, c'est terrible: on trouve meme des docks en francais, ca fait du bien a une petite francaise qui habite en Angleterre comme moi!! ^^

# by on 04/14/05 at 21:08:36

c'est bon, mon fran?ais amie. "pas la" est "not there" n'est-ce pas?

# by lemaxou on 04/24/05 at 01:10:17

Yeah popcornclass!! you're right! Sorry for my late, but I'm so busy (I'm an official member of the translator's team for an multi-lingual Adium!! :-)

# by greenflamingo on 04/28/05 at 23:59:11

c'est le meilleure!

# by Olivier on 07/16/05 at 04:13:02

Excellent ! Le même avec un K750i ? :p

# by Duncan on 07/20/05 at 20:43:03

Bon! Bon!

# by cbarrett on 11/11/05 at 13:31:31

(deleted Magnus' comment, insults are not OK)

# by mwsunicycle on 03/01/06 at 09:02:24

Next thing you do is upgrade it with different colors!

# by halliegammon on 07/15/06 at 17:26:02

c'est chouette! je l'aime beaucoup, mais ça serait beaucoup meilleur avec un ipod nano. ;) excusez mon français svp, je suis américaine. vous pouvez le faire en une autre couleur? comme rouge peut-être? bien fait! :)

# by michelebugliaro on 09/24/06 at 07:50:54

A remarkable dock icon. Well done!

# by adium on 12/29/06 at 20:31:25

whats pas la?

# by adium on 12/29/06 at 20:35:03

i downloaded both and i only have 1?

# by adium on 12/29/06 at 20:43:20


# by camargueenete on 12/31/06 at 03:16:05

c'est trop bien fait!!!

# by richwyld on 01/18/07 at 01:41:15

some of the best work on here

# by promisingone on 02/03/07 at 02:12:54

um, when does the duck sleep with its phone and when does it type on the phone? i tried ways to make the duck do that but i still cannot.

# by promisingone on 02/03/07 at 02:13:18

ohh is there any difference in installing and downloading?

# by diddlelvr34 on 02/18/07 at 01:43:46

ok soo thats cute i luv it!!

# by hellokitty17 on 11/13/07 at 23:57:26

can you make a le petit prince dock icon? j'adore cet livre, c'est mon favori! merci!

# by hellokitty17 on 11/14/07 at 00:03:27

can you make a le petit prince dock icon? j'adore cet livre, c'est mon favori! merci!

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579.07kb (15186 downloads)

3.80 / 523 votes
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 10/27/04
For the ideas: BlueRevolution and Quincy. For the supports: DJ_FoX_MaC_ClouD and Le-francais and all who take times make me suggestions!