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Traffic Lights Status Icon Set

Traffic Lights Status Icon Set

Submitted By HumphreyBogart


A colorful and complete status icon set with crisp transparency. Inspired by the traffic lights concept of the Mac OS UI.

Some notes on the icon colors:

The Invisible icon (as far as I know) isn't ever visible in the Contact List, only in Adium's preferences/menu, so in use it won't be confused with the Offline icon.

The Idle icon color is grey, and in front of certain shades of grey may look similar to the Offline icon, but for most backgrounds it's fine.

All icons custom designed. You may not modify or redistribute the set.

Enjoy! If find the set useful, feel free to rate it.



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# by rob-to86 on 06/24/11 at 02:36:45

It seems there is already a set of the same name:

# by HumphreyBogart on 06/24/11 at 10:24:38

I found there are two Xtras with the name 'Traffic Lights' in the title, one is 'TrafficLights' and the other 'Traffic Lights'.

At the time I was making them I didn't realize this, so I changed the actual filename to 'Traffic Lights Status', to avoid my set having the same name, I hope this doesn't prevent me from submitting my Xtra.

I named it after what Steve Jobs called the red, yellow and green buttons on Mac's titlebars.

# by arnie on 06/28/11 at 06:02:27

can you swtich the colors of content and typing?


# by HumphreyBogart on 06/28/11 at 11:21:01

You can change this by right-clicking the Adium icon file you downloaded, and choosing 'Show Package Contents'. This will open the contents of the icon set.

Now open the file named 'Icons.plist', it should open in the Property List Editor app.
Then under the 'List' group go down to the item "typing" and change it's value to "List-Custom.png" (without the quotes).
Then go down to the item "Unviewed content" and change it's value to "List-Typing.png".
Also change those two items in the 'Tabs' group as well.

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124.33kb (1187 downloads)

4.50 / 11 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 06/23/11