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Doctor Who

Doctor Who

Submitted By Ellen L. (yoha_ahoy)


Doctor Who soundset with 11 different sound effects from the Tardis, Daleks, and sonic screwdriver. Pair it with the "Tardis and Adiumy" dock icon for a perfect Doctor Who themed experience!


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# by sfemet on 07/27/11 at 21:06:29

The soundset isn't working for me. I compared your plist file to a working soundset plist file and the key phrase for each sound doesn't match the Adium default names. I don't know which sound goes with which action or I'd fix the key phrases myself.

# by yoha_ahoy on 07/27/11 at 22:33:49

I don't have them set with any default names, meaning you'll need to assign them individually in the Events panel of the preferences pane.

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6.39mb (1489 downloads)

4.20 / 10 votes
Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 06/21/11
BBC Radiophonic Workshop