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Mickey Mouse Icon Set

Mickey Mouse Icon Set

Submitted By Kenneth Leung (KLeung1221)


This is a dock icon set featuring the mouse the needs no introduction, Mickey Mouse! This is the first icon set that I have created. Enjoy!



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# by iPaolo on 01/10/11 at 21:48:07

I can't install it...

# by KLeung1221 on 01/11/11 at 05:49:59

The file should install itself automatically after you click the "Install" link on the right.

# by alicezhong on 01/11/11 at 20:14:44

It doesnt install on mine either.....not shown in the preferences....>

# by iPaolo on 01/11/11 at 18:18:36

It does not appear in Adium's preferences ...

# by iPaolo on 01/11/11 at 18:28:08

I solved the problem downloading the package and changing its extension...

# by alicezhong on 01/11/11 at 20:14:05

how did you solve it? changing the extension of what~? PLZ HEPL >

# by KLeung1221 on 01/11/11 at 22:19:49

Thank you to everyone who has downloaded this icon set!

UPDATE: Those of you who have been having trouble installing the icon set have probably been seeing a folder containing the icon images after unzipping the downloaded file. I have resolved the issue by uploading the appropriate .AdiumIcon file. This is an INSTALLER file and will allow you to install the icon set. Here are some simple steps:

1) If the "Install" link does not work for you, click the "Download" link to download a .zip file.
2) Unzip the file and you should see a file titled "Mickey Icon Set.AdiumIcon" with the green Adium dock on it. This is an installer file and will install the file into Adium.
3) Open Mickey Icon Set.AdiumIcon and the icon set should be installed automatically.

For those of you who are curious, if you have the folder with the icons, you can simply Right Click > Get Info> and add .AdiumIcon to the end of the folder name. This will also turn the folder into an installer file.

Please let me know if you need any more help!

# by alicezhong on 01/11/11 at 22:32:50

Solved. Thanks!

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Install | Download
318.37kb (4986 downloads)

4.60 / 37 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 01/11/11