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Ingamium |
Submitted By Florian Bethke (Fl0ri4n) |
DescriptionIngamium is a plugin for the free chat client Adium. It allows you to receive messages and reply to them while playing a game without leaving fullscreen mode or quitting the game. Youīll simply see the messages on top of the game and in a small chat window you can view the last messages and reply the them.
Requires Adium 1.4!! Changes- Overall code and project cleanup (changeover to SMJobBless-API)- Update to latest mach_inject and mach_override - Support for OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion Images![]() ![]() CommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by casslt07 on 08/09/10 at 21:53:49How do you add a game? Does it work with emulators?
# by Fl0ri4n on 08/09/10 at 22:03:52You can add a game in the "InGame preferences", found in the "Adium"-menu.
Never tried it with any emulators, it might work if itīs using OpenGL for drawing. You can try it out by adding the emulator.app to Ingamium. Would be nice if youīd tell me which emulators work/which doesīt :-) # by casslt07 on 08/11/10 at 03:15:16So, I clicked the + symbol to add a game, and typed them in manually, in the slots that say .
Then, I tried the emulators sixtyforce, PCSX, and DeSmuME using that method, and it didn't seem to work in any of them. PCSX would crash when I opened it too. Sims 3 and some games I tried in CrossOver didn't work either. Although, I'm not sure if I'm doing everything right. # by Fl0ri4n on 08/11/10 at 15:32:21sixtyforce works flawlass for me, just added "sixtyforce.app" to the list and it worked. Maybe just a typo in your list?
PCSX is way too old to make it work, itīs not even a universal binary (which is required to make it work). It might work on an old PPC mac, but I donīt think youīll want to get one just to use Ingamium with your PS1-games. I canīt test DeSmuME because I donīt have any NDS-roms and it doesnīt show me anything without a rom, sorry. I know that Crossover doesnīt work yet, donīt know why. However, Ingamium should work with the official OS X version of Sims 3, why donīt you use that instead of crossover? # by casslt07 on 08/11/10 at 20:13:46For Sims 3, did you type "The Sims 3.app"?
# by Fl0ri4n on 08/11/10 at 20:26:34Ah damn, forgot that the name is localized.
Yeah, I think "The Sims 3.app" should work, but I canīt test it. For the German version, "Die Sims 3.app" is correct, so I think youīre right. Try setting a quite high delay for that game (about 60 should be fine), Cider-games need a long time to start. # by arithine on 09/26/10 at 08:35:10I would suggest an option to keep up the chat window, without the bar to talk with when you dont want to talk, always and have your replies show up with who ever your talking to.
sorry im not explaining it very well but i see it turning into something like what we see in wow. # by photofreak on 12/08/10 at 01:45:36doesn't work in 1.4.1
# by Fl0ri4n on 12/08/10 at 15:15:39Try reinstalling the plugin (delete and re-download). Ingamium definitely works with Adium 1.4.1, maybe something has gone wrong during the last Adium update.
# by photofreak on 12/08/10 at 20:14:02I just tried to reinstall it and all I get is this
http://img686.imageshack.us/img686/11...ure14ji.png and the adium won't connect till I disable the plugin... # by photofreak on 12/08/10 at 20:18:18ok my bad it just took a while to load....
going to have it a go on my favorite game (: # by photofreak on 12/08/10 at 21:11:53no idea if it works because I didn't get any msgs
can u please add hedgewars? Alon # by photofreak on 12/08/10 at 21:25:25it works fine just had to add .app on the options!
just one problem when playing i could only write in english with no option to change the input language to Hebrew.... # by photofreak on 12/08/10 at 21:31:49and the other way around either
u have to choose which one u would like to use b4 game... it's the same problem with the built in chat that comes with the game maybe it has a some link? # by Fl0ri4n on 12/08/10 at 22:39:15Glad to hear that it works now.
I did not yet implement a method to choose the input language, and Iīm not quite sure whether it is possible to make the system change the language while a fullscreen game is running. Iīll investigate that when I have time (around the holidays I think). # by photofreak on 12/09/10 at 02:10:37so maybe the full screen is my problem in both cases?
when r the holidays? # by Shabamb on 12/24/10 at 06:10:17I tried adding "Neverwinter Nights.app", and the game just crashes when I try to start it up.
# by Fl0ri4n on 12/24/10 at 14:59:58I think "Neverwinter Nights" is a PowerPC app (running in Rosetta), right?
These apps wonīt work with Ingamium, sorry... # by Shabamb on 12/24/10 at 16:45:58I actually have no idea. How would I figure that out?
# by GalakFyarr on 01/09/11 at 21:09:40It's a great plugin but would be even better if it would work in conjunction with the xblaze plugin
currently, I can only send messages to my xfire contacts in-game, i can't see what they say # by Batshua on 02/09/11 at 04:15:12How about for DVD Player and VLC?
Sometimes people IM me when I'm fullscreen in a movie and I don't want to ignore them, but I don't want to stop the movie, either. # by Fl0ri4n on 02/09/11 at 22:24:32I did not yet manage to make Ingamium work with Quicktime-Based apps (like DVD Player), I think Apple doesnīt use OpenGL for playback.
VLC theoretically works, the only problem is that the current version of VLC is 64bit, and Ingamium does not (yet) work with 64 bit apps. A simple workaround would be to launch VLC in 32bit mode, and then adding "VLC.app" to the list of know games in the ingamium preferences. If you are using a mac with 32bit processor then you can skip the first step, adding "VLC.app" will do everything you need then. # by RhinoJunior on 04/18/11 at 22:45:07Is there a way to disable Away and Idle messages from showing up in Ingamium?
It's annoying when a contact has their idle timeout set low and my screen gets flooded with "Contact went idle." "Contact came back." messages. And by flooded I mean only about 2/min, but it's still a pain. # by otrejni on 05/11/11 at 05:56:00Dude, you are AWESOME. I was dreaming of something like this: a way to see what are they writing without having to minimize the game and switch windows. I wonder if you could answer the message with a key combination or something :P
# by RanXerox on 07/04/11 at 21:53:52Hello, great add on. Since new version, can install xtra. Seems to be a bug.
# by kherge on 03/05/12 at 05:37:45Unfortunately this causes graphics problems and inevitable crashing with World of Warcraft 4.3 on Mac OS X 10.7.3.
Would have loved to use it. # by _ray on 04/25/12 at 06:35:30Was just looking for something like this, but would like to continue Adium chats when Chrome is full screen. Unfortunately this doesn't seem to work with Adium 1.5? Please update?
# by Fl0ri4n on 04/25/12 at 15:31:09Adium 1.5 is supported by the latest version (1.2.1), available on the official homepage: http://ingamium.games4mac.de/
Apps using the Lion fullscreen mode are not supported, only real OpenGL apps (mainly games). # by _ray on 04/25/12 at 15:48:13Oh thanks, that's a pity!
# by Fl0ri4n on 04/25/12 at 16:31:04Yeah, the fullscreen mode of apps like Chrome and real OpenGL-fullscreen apps are two completely different things.
I'm not quite sure if it'd be possible to support this kind of applications, but there's no point to do so, because Growl already works perfectly with Chrome & others. # by _ray on 04/25/12 at 16:34:30Unfortunately Growl only works well for notifications when in Chrome full-screen. I'm looking for the functionality your plugin provides (continue chatting while full screen in another app) for OpenGL games :(
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# by sako36 on 08/09/10 at 04:37:53
# by eboyblue3 on 05/12/12 at 00:15:00