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Snowtape Script

Snowtape Script

Submitted By MacGuyBrush


Displays currently playing/streaming/recording track in Snowtape.

Keyword: /snow

App Website:



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# by bastimc1 on 07/20/10 at 16:47:36

Thank you for this script! But i have a problem! It shows only a message for playing a track. Streaming and/or recording a track, there isn't a message. I am using Mac OSX 10.6.4, Snowtape 1.5.7 and Adium 1.4b18

# by bastimc1 on 07/20/10 at 16:53:38

Oh, i forgot something: I think it would be great, showing "Is hearing to ... on station (the station is linked with the homepage of the station) with Snowtape (Snowtape is linked with the link to the homepage)". Would that be possible?

# by MacGuyBrush on 07/20/10 at 18:36:50

Thank you for your feedback. The messages for streaming and playing are the same ("is listening to ..." , playing without station). It works fine here, I have Snowtape 1.5.7 and Adium 1.4b18, too.

The image shows my tests:
line 1: playing
line 2: recording
line 3: streaming

Try to reinstall the script and restart Adium.

The link problem depends on the name of the station. Look at the image, 1.FM is a link.

Have fun!

# by bastimc1 on 07/22/10 at 18:15:16

I tried it with deleting the script, restart Adium, download the script again, but the same here. I doesn't work for playing/recording a station. Playing a recorded song and playing nothing works perfect. :'(

# by bastimc1 on 08/01/10 at 15:35:17

Where is the script? :(

# by MacGuyBrush on 08/01/10 at 19:05:00

Pending Approval

# by bastimc1 on 08/18/10 at 10:44:11

Super! Jetzt funktioniert es wieder!

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9.65kb (195 downloads)

5.00 / 5 votes
Current Version: 1.0.1
Last Updated: 07/22/10