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Submitted By Trevin Ward (tedger)


A contact list color theme to match the Elyo shapeshifter theme. The Contact list layout is Mokie Revisited you can find it if you hit my name to the bottom left.



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# by on 11/01/04 at 02:48:38

horrendous. just awful.

# by tedger on 11/05/04 at 17:07:11

I'm sorry you don't like it. On it's own I would agree it's not the most appealing contact list color scheme. But it's designed (as it says in the description) to go with the Eylo ShapeShifter theme.

In the future I suggest you are a little less rude, although I was not offended, others might be.

# by on 11/11/04 at 16:31:01

Nice contect view, but the color mix in the gradient is a bit hard on the eyes. I admit I did try to use those colors, for the eylo theme, but it didn't work well.The colors in Eylo look good, but really don't mix well as a gradient. Instead I used a darker version of the main contact list color for the top half of the gradient, maybe a navy blue. And for people with less contacts online at once, a big version with 48x48 icons. Or a version with less obtrusive group names.

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/19/04
Insipired by the Eylo ShapeShifter Theme