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Graphite Singleline

Graphite Singleline

Submitted By Dan Itlondon (FreakyT)


I was tired of all the so-called "graphite" themes that don't actually use the same colors as the "official" graphite appearance, so I made my own! The color scheme is based closely on Aqualicious, but with accurate "graphite" colors.

The style (which can of course be used independently of the color scheme) is designed to include a good amount of information about each contact, without going beyond one line per contact.




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# by rakyp on 06/14/10 at 17:12:02

Dude. You are awesome. This is beautiful. Thank you!

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6.09kb (1009 downloads)

3.60 / 5 votes
Current Version: A
Last Updated: 01/03/10