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MSN Plus |
Submitted By Tiziano Carotti (ivendor) |
DescriptionThis is a plugin for MSN Service, whose features are:- Filter annoying MSN Plus nicknames tags. The code for filtering these tags was taken from a patch (revised) posted on Adium Trac by Andrea Gianarro - Add support for MSN Custom Emoticon (thanks to libpurple low-level support) Requires Tiger (10.4) or superior for Adium 1.3, Leopard (10.5) or superior for Adium 1.4, Snow Leopard (10.6.8) or superior for Adium 1.5.4. It was tested with Adium 1.3.10, Adium 1.4.3 and Adium 1.5.4. Pre-requisites: - Enable custom emoticon in MSN account - Choose an emoticons set in Adium preferences UI Elements added: - Toolbar button in message windows - An element in message window context menu "stealing" custom emoticon received. - An element in "Edit" menu (and in contextual menu) of Adium for adding emoticons to text box and opening the emoticon panel. License: GPL v2 The Download and Install links contain the plugin version for Adium 1.5, if you want sources or Adium 1.3/1.4 version, go on MSNPlus official site http://msnplusadium.sourceforge.net/ Source repository: http://github.com/ivendor/adium_msnplus_plugin Changesv1.1:- *NEW* Added support for Adium 1.5.4 - Added support for shortcut in utf-8 encoding v1.01: - Corrected a bug with MSN name filtering (hoping the last). v1.0: - New icon in toolbar - (Adium 1.4) Custom Emoticons are not shown if the MSN account emoticon flag is not active. - Nicknames are now correctly updated with last nickanme from server. - Fixed Custom Emoticons not showed in MSN Group Chat. v0.8: - Item in "Edit" menu, contextual menu item and toolbar item now behaves as Adium Emoticons menu (That is, showing a menu with all emoticons and a link for open the emoticons panel). v0.7: - Added Mac OS X Tiger support. - Added Preference Group in Advanced Preference Tab with option for enabling/disabling the filtering of MSN Plus colored nickname tags. v0.6: - Now MSNPlus use cached versions of custom emoticon in message windows, so removing an emoticon should no more cause an Adium crash. - Added check for same image assigned to multiple different shortcuts. - When renaming emoticon, if new shortcut already exist, an alert is shown. - Emoticon in Custom Emoticon Panel are now sorted alphabetically. - Changed title and aspect of emoticon panel. v0.5: - Initial Release Known Bugs: - If you uninstall the plugin, your friends will recieve your custom emoticons as you have setted before plugin uninstallation. Before removing the plugin, remove all emoticons from list, manually. CommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by lordpollo on 09/20/09 at 22:24:18work on 1.4b9 ?
i install this but i dont know how work :S i dont see nothing # by Chaos on 09/21/09 at 00:32:59It works, download the source file from the french site. Worked for me ;)
btw. It's great thx! :) # by lordpollo on 09/21/09 at 00:50:45TY works for me D:
it's great thx :D # by victor6112 on 11/10/13 at 05:05:25This plugin was awesome, I miss chating in the msn messenger, now everybody uses facebook and it is not the same.
http://www.empleosenguadalajara.com.mx/ # by ivendor on 09/21/09 at 09:00:27as Chaos has reported, use the link which contains the sources for Adium 1.4
# by nelsonmclester on 07/06/11 at 10:33:17In next version, i'll add an option in preferences for enabling/disabling MSN Names filtering.
http://www.bestpaintsprayers.us/airle...nt-sprayers # by Rawa on 03/30/12 at 19:56:28Thanks a lot, that would be awesome. Waiting for the next version!
http://jakszybkoschudnacc.tumblr.com/ # by grace2_89 on 09/21/09 at 11:49:10Well. I've downloaded the msn plugin for both 1.3 and 1.4, uninstalled adium 1.3 and 1.4, reinstalled adium 1.3, reinstalled the plugins...
I can't get this to work. Is it something that should be right in front of my face? :-S Help please? I miss the custom emoticons. # by ivendor on 09/21/09 at 21:59:20Do you have Intel or PowerPC? I cannot do any test on PowerPC machine...
# by grace2_89 on 09/22/09 at 03:25:23Mine's an intel, so I think it should be okay? hmm.
# by ivendor on 09/22/09 at 21:36:15Yes it should. The toolbar button will compare only if you "customize" your toolbar in the message window.
However you should have in Edit menu an entry with name "Custom emoticons panel", and besides, when you right click on an image in chat you should see the active menu entry "Add As Custom Emoticon..." # by sephiroth8969 on 09/22/09 at 05:08:25very nice !!
hope 4 more updates in the future. =D keep the good work # by caletz on 09/23/09 at 04:42:28Thank you! so much! Great keep the good Work! make Msn on Adium better than windows! :D
# by whitey on 09/25/09 at 03:32:07Please make a version for Tiger! It would be much appreciated!
I WOULD LOVE YOU FOREVER # by enkuturi-akrias on 09/25/09 at 04:06:22Cant download 1.4 binaries, http://vendor.altervista.org/ is down, maybe???
# by jockerino on 09/25/09 at 12:06:42First of all thank you for this good script. I've a problem with colored nickname, the script simply don't work on Adium 1.4b9 on Snow Leopard. The smiles are ok!
# by Rdrgox on 09/26/09 at 04:28:49amigo amigo lo unico que le faltaba a adium era esto tener iconos personalisados.
exelente funciona muy bien en mi mac ppc.... i love =) =) =) =) # by stejano on 09/26/09 at 12:55:25Finalmente!!!Era ora! Very good!!! I use it with adium beta. I caN'T see name color with msn plus codes, but I can use emoticons! YEAH!
# by cp.tar on 09/26/09 at 13:58:18Is there any way custom nicknames could be enabled? Either globally or on a per-nickname basis?
I’ve installed this plug-in to get custom emoticon support, but now even non-colored nicknames have disappeared, which is a bit annoying. I suppose a work-around could be compiling a list of custom emoticons, then uninstalling the plug-in, thus preserving the emoticon list and getting nicknames back, but I would prefer a more elegant solution. # by stef157 on 09/28/09 at 19:38:09doesn't work for me
SL 10.6.1 and 1.4b9 # by ivendor on 09/28/09 at 22:06:27I've your same configuration and it works. Have you download the right files from official site (MSNPlus-0.7-Adium14.zip)? The "Install" and "Download" links are for Adium 1.3.
# by stef157 on 09/28/09 at 22:28:33The Download and Install links contain the binaries for Adium 1.3, if you want sources or Adium 1.4 binaries go on MSNPlus official site http://msnplusadium.sourceforge.net/
oké i'll try # by SnakeWarrior7 on 09/29/09 at 01:23:09i cant seem to be able to instal it on my MAC, I installed both of them and with the one i get from the instal/download i can see the "custom emotion panel" on the Edit, buti cant seem to get it to work?, what can i do???? T.T
# by iic7371 on 09/29/09 at 06:03:22i can't click the emoticon also, in order to make it work, i have to type the exact name of the icon when i first imported it. if i do double click, adium will crash, but i have no complain, still WAY BETTER than MSN, love it!!!!
# by SnakeWarrior7 on 10/02/09 at 18:53:29But how do I save the emotion then?, because i cant see the icon on the chat window either, in other words i cant import them, people send then to me and all i see is just the words, not the emotions :S
# by robinotter on 02/27/10 at 15:50:24I solved this by checking the 'Display Custom Emoticons ' Box in Preferences, Advanced, then the Msn tab. Hope it helps!
# by Skoven on 09/29/09 at 16:37:12This works :) nice...
But would like to insert my saved icons from the "custom emoticons panel" instead of remembering the text-shortcut for the icon :( Also if you only have text i the top of the chatwindow the menu doesn't open when clicking the custom emoticons panel text-buttom. Only if i use icons. Maybe for future improvements. Thanks... # by BAN on 09/30/09 at 05:37:48Hello ^^. First thanks a lot for the plugin, I was hoping someone would develop one for Adium.
The problem is... it didn't work ._." I tried everything that people said in the comments, but it still doesn't work. It tells me that it's installed and I should restart Adium, I do so, and I find it in the Xtras Manager. However, I can't find anything about how to modify the settings for anything related to it, especially the custom emoticons :-s Can you please, help? # by iic7371 on 09/30/09 at 06:23:46you must first import the emoticons, for test purpose, try drag one of these icon onto your desktop http://mgccl.com/wp-includes/image...s/yoyocici/ . next, config your chat windows tool bar so that you can have quick access to emoticon panel. once you have the "emoticon panel" icon on your tool bar, click on it and then click the lower left coner "+" sign, another window will pop up and ask for your emoticon, locate your emoticon on your desktop and then give it a name and click "OK", and you should good to go, open a chat window with your MSN friend and type the shortcut name that you gave to your emoticons and let see what happen, good luck!!!
# by BAN on 10/01/09 at 04:43:19Thanks IIC! ^^ I'm still trying to fix it but here's the issue.
The plugin is already installed but it's not running. Because I still can see the tags on my friends' nicknames. And, as far as adding that custom panel, it's still not there. Here's a screen shot. http://img36.imageshack.us/img36/3792...ure3ihr.png I'm not sure as to how to fix it, but I'll be removing the plugin and downloading it back again,, and see what happens. # by qkrwltjd91 on 09/30/09 at 07:20:54I'm having trouble using this. I already got it all installed and I restarted Adium but I don't see any button or anything that's related to "custom emoticons". Please help? =P
# by lordpollo on 10/01/09 at 02:51:14u need add the icon LOOK http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/3855/c...200909h.jpg
# by qkrwltjd91 on 10/01/09 at 07:12:34Now I have one question regarding about "display names". It seems like after I finish installing it, the display name update doesn't work o.o; Does anyone know how to fix this?
# by Zam89 on 10/02/09 at 11:36:54Man I've got some troubles(...and if you are italian I prefer if the site allows it to talk in italian) btw I've installed the plugin still doesn't work, and not only this it's recognized in the installed elements "Gestore componenti aggiuntivi" but nothing's changed... I cannot see the niks cannot use emoticons and so on...the version of adium is1.4b9 and you tested the pluigin fot this...so dunno what's wrong tried to uninstall adium and install it back but still nothing new...waiting for help
thanx 4 your time # by Jackcday on 10/02/09 at 18:07:52Could it be possible to uncheck the display name feature as it's making my adium act a bit strange, or have them as 2 seperate add ons? Thanks, Jack ^^
# by enkuturi-akrias on 10/02/09 at 21:47:27Awesome, the whole custom emoticons stuff works great! thanks :3 but the nickname tags still appearing to me u_u
just a few requests… would you add the original “text trigger” (the text you write to show the image) from the added emotes to the recently added? + allowing manual reordering of the custom emoticons list :P thx! # by N_Ox on 10/02/09 at 21:59:24I've updated the Xcode project to build 64-bit architecture too: http://dev-extend.eu/~nox/patches/adi...x86_64.diff
# by enkuturi-akrias on 10/03/09 at 03:56:28Hi again, I have translated your plug-in to Spanish, and added an alternative to the menu bar icon here: http://www.mediafire.com/download.php...ytliz5d32ah
# by java on 10/08/09 at 18:04:37i installed last ver. 1.3.6 and the 1.4 msnplus blugin but it's showing error message for disable the xtra and something like crash ??? am sorry my language is poor !! can any one help me to install the plus correctly thanx # by cp.tar on 10/17/09 at 11:41:06I can also attest to that. I will try re-installing, but I’m not holding my breath.
# by cp.tar on 10/17/09 at 11:50:30After the reinstall and a test, I can report the following: no menubar icon, no menu entry, no right-click menu emoticon-stealing entry, no way to access the installed smileys and no way to display them in outgoing messages. However, even though they are not displayed, they are still sent out; my friends report they are still receiving the smileys I send even though I do not see them.
# by sephiroth8969 on 10/18/09 at 09:01:29its working, try and reinstall it again, and reopen adium. that worked for me :)
# by Jupi on 10/21/09 at 14:59:48I love this plugin! The custom emoticons are great! I do have a question though: is it possibe to add multiple emoticons at once? I couldn't find the location of the custom emoticons on my computer, so I don't know if I can maybe add a bunch to a certain list or something? Adding them all one by one is a lot of work, so I'm hoping there's an easier way....
# by Max_RF on 10/22/09 at 05:00:37Hi all, I tried it on Adium 1.3.7, and it worked well, but I've installed 1.4b10 and now it doesn't work (I tested re-installing it several times, but it just doesn't work), Hope you can fix it :), thanks in advance!
# by lordpollo on 10/22/09 at 16:36:54u need download and instal the source , from http://msnplusadium.sourceforge.net/ and install.
# by Zelgadis on 10/25/09 at 04:01:37Wow, best plugin ever O_O
I was really missing this functionality in Adium.. Thanks a lot ! ^_____^ # by axl91 on 10/28/09 at 19:56:47ehi ciao! il plug-in funziona x quanto riguarda i nick colorati, però non mi carica le emoticon degli altri contatti, cosa può essere?
# by saidneko on 10/30/09 at 06:18:23xq cuando lo descargo no pasa nada ?????
ade+ d q m aparece como error. # by saidneko on 10/31/09 at 08:06:14Adium 1.4b13
y cuando descargo la esa cosa del messenger pluss lo descargo me aparece esto(Installation of the Adium plugin MSNPlus was successful. Please restart Adium.)(La instalación de MSNPLUS Adium de enchufe era acertada. Por favor comience de nuevo Adium.) lo reinicio y cuando me pasan los emoticons n me aparece la opción de agregar. NO PASA NADA como si no lo instalara, y cuando me voy a Xtras Manager me aparece el plugins MSNPlus pero no hace nada. # by NiñoScript on 11/02/09 at 05:26:17Puede que hayas instalado la versión para el Adium 1.3.x
Prueba con este: http://sourceforge.net/projects/msnpl...ip/download Suerte ;) # by liscaf on 10/31/09 at 08:19:01Me pasa exactamente lo mismo que "saidneko". Tengo el plug instalado, lo intente muchas veces pero sigo viendo las etiquetas de colores y no tengo ninguna opción para agregar el emoticon personalizado. Saludos y gracias!.
# by liscaf on 10/31/09 at 08:22:35Aclaro, uso Snow Leopard 10.6.1, Adium 1.3.7.
# by lordpollo on 11/04/09 at 05:52:06entonces, tan solo dale click a "install" que esta arriba a la derecha, para agregar los iconos que te manden solo dale click derecho sobre el icono y pon " Add as custom emoticon" , para agregar el "icono" para ver los que tienes , desde personalizar barra de herramientas . Saludos
# by liscaf on 11/01/09 at 08:21:02Listo, logre instalarlo finalmente, el unico problema es que teniendo activado el coloreado de nicks no los muestra. Saludos y gracias.
# by Badmuffin on 11/02/09 at 15:41:24Grazie per l'aggiornamento ragazzi. Ammetto di amare i nick colorati e avere anche questa opzione rende Adium ancora più figo! e soprattutto mi fa piacere che siate conterranei. Forza così!
# by Nazaiaow on 11/02/09 at 17:48:45Hey, I've translated the plugin (lproj) to Dutch: http://www.mediafire.com/?sharekey=0f...5f6e8ebb871
# by gbattaglin on 11/06/09 at 03:56:542 Questions:
1- Why the plug-in doesn't update the nickname when my contacts changes it? 2- It's only filter the color tags from nicknames or it can make the nicks "colorized"? # by marc-king on 11/09/09 at 00:47:05Hello.
I absolutely love the idea of this plugin, so I downloaded it and installed it as soon as I found out that it was there. But unfortunately... I can't get it to work... Installed the plugin and added icons and named them (names shorter and longer than 7 positions I have tried as I found out that in MSN for mac the name couldn't be longer than 7 characters) Working with OSX 10.6.1, Adium 1.3.8 and installed this plugin v.0.8 from 10/17/09. What happens is that when I send a message to friends including these personal Icons they see a blank icon from about 12px by 12px containing nothing. The part of the script which erases the annoying type of nicknames works perfect... Am I overlooking something? I'm curious for any tips which can help me to make this plugin work properly. Thanks in advance. # by HayatoJin on 11/11/09 at 17:08:38This is very nice but, I'm just checking here, You can't actually _send_ the custom smileys, can you?
# by Sikaffy on 11/11/09 at 22:30:11YES, you can.
# by HayatoJin on 11/11/09 at 22:40:47I attempted sending them to various other people and though I could see my custom emoticons, they weren't able to.
# by f_cked000up on 11/13/09 at 02:38:30helloooo
I lovvve u soooo much !!!!!! adium is way cooler than WLM!!! just one lil request i'd like 2 c in this plugin .. some of the emoticons i get are in arabic or one letter arabic and an english number or a symbol.. these don't show at all....u'd b the bestest person ever if u were able 2 add this along :D:D:D:D ... thxxxxxxxx soooooo much 4 this plugin..u made my life brighter :D (l)(l)(l) # by Ratoncito on 11/14/09 at 21:40:57HELP PLZ... i clicked on "install" but it seems like nothing happened o.o why??? i have 1.4b15 n leopard o.o D: I dont see anything new on my Adium D: Ayuda pliss :]
# by ivendor on 11/15/09 at 14:07:11as i wrote in description:
"The Download and Install links contain the plugin version for Adium 1.3, if you want sources or Adium 1.4 version go on MSNPlus official site http://msnplusadium.sourceforge.net/" # by Tex-Twil on 11/25/09 at 00:23:28Hi,
it's working great for me on one mac, on anotherone the "Open custom emoticons panel" is grayed ... any ideas ? Thanks, tex # by dvkch on 11/26/09 at 00:32:21Hi,
I just installed the 1.4-compatible version (from sourceforge zip) and found a strange bug : when filtering msn plus colored nicknames, it uses some others old ones. for example, display Tom, when current nickname is [c=11]thomas[/c] and one of the old one was [c=26]Tom[/c]. what's wrong ?? # by emaba on 11/29/09 at 04:30:35I'm using version 1.4b16 but MSNPLUS Adium is not running...
# by hirakujira on 11/29/09 at 19:30:26Me too, MSNPLUS is not support 1.4b16...
# by cp.tar on 11/30/09 at 03:34:18I guess we can expect a fix in a day or three…
# by ivendor on 12/01/09 at 13:48:55I've uploaded, now, a new version on sourceforge. Check it!
# by emaba on 12/01/09 at 14:31:03Now it works, but it breaks naming. When plug in is enabled MSN user appear with their e-mail address instead of their nickname.
# by emaba on 12/02/09 at 18:21:27Just updated to beta17. Still broke your plugin. Please check the fact that with yout plugin enabled contacts show their e-mail addres instead their nickname.
# by HayatoJin on 12/03/09 at 13:27:08It HAS to be a small thing on your part. I'm using b17 and can't access the custom smileys, but I noticed that when someone types the text for a custom smiley I made, I can see it. So the plugin HAS to be working. The problem is something with the menu items themselves most likely.
# by HayatoJin on 12/03/09 at 21:56:30In case you cannot read (which you apparently cannot), that was a custom smiley defined by me, using the plug-in.
# by lordpollo on 12/04/09 at 08:28:10why when i chose the filtering msn pls colored nicks, Adium show me old nick names?, for examble, i have on my acount added to myself. And show me one nick that i has 2 years ago :S .... or simplify dont refresh nicks
# by DaRk_ViVi on 12/10/09 at 14:42:33This plugin is exactly what i was looking for. :)
Sad part is that it doesn't work on 1.4b17 :( # by Arlefreak on 12/25/09 at 07:28:47Hey i would really like to know how to make the other people see my emoticons because i see the emoticon on my screen but people with msn only see the word so i want to know if this make that posible or something can do it thanx :D
# by pixie8 on 12/28/09 at 00:30:27thank you for all your comments - i was able to get this working no probs
and it is an awesome plugin! i must say this messenger client is fantastic and so much better than msn for mac cheers # by AeonOrion on 01/04/10 at 17:37:37It was working fine on 1.4b16 now that I have updated to 17 it isn't working at all.
No menu items and it isn't in the preferences pane. Although when I sen the code for mu custom emoticon it does not show up on my screen but does on my contacts. Help would be very much appreciated. # by panosru on 01/06/10 at 16:12:48Too bad that it does not working on 1.4b17, is it possible to find Adium 1.4b16 somewhere? I prefer to use an older version of Adium so this plugin could work fine instead of using latest version of Adium without this plugin, I was waiting for this plugin from day zero! I wish the developer will came with a fix for Adium 1.4b17
# by enkuturi-akrias on 01/15/10 at 04:20:39Hi! As I mentioned above, I have translated (again) your plug-in v0.8 to Spanish.
The following link contains the “es.lproj” folder and an alternative to the “custom-emoticon.png” image :P (example comparison: http://bastian.olea.org/msn_example.jpg) I hope you add this spanish localization in your next release :3 http://www.mediafire.com/?qyonymmyyzg # by eddz on 01/15/10 at 05:52:12I have this plugin installed on my macbook pro running adium 1.4b17 but I noticed that the display names all revert to older versions unless you remove libpurple. Even then though, the updater for display names is disabled so when contacts change their usernames the new ones are only shown in the tooltip until you either restart adium or remove libpurple again. Is there a fix for this because it takes away from a really awesome plugin.
# by dani110990 on 01/20/10 at 01:32:23I have this xtra... but today I decided to update my adium to the lastest version... later i didn't have my emotiocons and the names were with codes again... i went here and downloaded the lastest version of the extra and doesnt work :( I really love and enjoy your extra.. i think is one of the most awesome extras here... soo i would like to have a solution 'cuz I really missed my emoticons... Please help me. My adium is 1.4b17.
# by dani110990 on 01/20/10 at 01:32:27I have this xtra... but today I decided to update my adium to the lastest version... later i didn't have my emotiocons and the names were with codes again... i went here and downloaded the lastest version of the extra and doesnt work :( I really love and enjoy your extra.. i think is one of the most awesome extras here... soo i would like to have a solution 'cuz I really missed my emoticons... Please help me. My adium is 1.4b17.
# by smoalya on 01/22/10 at 23:05:22Thank you so much for making this xtra - I have always loved Adium but the absence of the custom emoticon sending feature put me off, when I discovered this xtra the other day I promptly switched to Adium! :) It is lovely to have the custom emoticon panel which is clean and easy to edit.
I did come across one problem though, all the emoticon sending seems to work perfectly except, for some reason, in group/multi-user chats, where it won't work at all. All my contacts can see the custom emoticons that I send but when I send them in a chat with more than one user they only come up as text. The custom emoticon panel still displays and I can click any emoticon but when I send they will not display. Obviously, no pressure on you to fix as I realise you have put your time and effort into making this - just reporting the problem in case you were unaware of it/are able to fix it at some point. Thanks again for building this plugin :D (I am using Adium 1.3.10 on an iBook G4 running Mac OS X 10.4.11, in case that helps.) # by idsos00 on 02/02/10 at 17:29:48hey, awesome work
Could you mind this plugin can support unicode-word to be shortcut-text, such as chinese and japanese # by robinotter on 02/27/10 at 15:47:28Have had problems but solved them - Hope this helps!
When i tried to use custom emoticons, the 'Insert Custom Emoticon' Menu Item was blanked out. I could not add or recieve emoticons. Solution: Under the msn tab in advanced preferences, you must check the 'Display Custom Emoticons Button' This should solve the problem. It may seem obvious, but i spent ages looking for the answer Hope it helps!!! # by eaglebirdie on 03/14/10 at 18:48:49Hi there, great plugin!
Managed to get it to work after having to uninstall/reinstall twice. One observation though .. and wonder if others are experiencing the same.. I can now send custom emoticon from Adium to a PC based MSN Messenger User perfectly. However, when I send a custom emoticon to a Mac based MSN Messenger User (MSN Messenger for Mac v7.x), MSN only displays a blank picture placeholder... Any ideas? On the Adium side, I can receive custom emoticons properly from both PC and Mac users. # by caliguy on 03/15/10 at 10:09:04Not working for me on version 1.4b17 Snow Leopard. It worked the other day with the custom emoticons function, now nothing! I would appreciate any advice or info.
Thanks!! # by zardos666 on 03/21/10 at 15:32:44to work with Adium 1.4 version you need to go to the xtra page:
http://msnplusadium.sourceforge.net/ The author of the xtra said it on the description Working fine for me on 1.4b17 just download the properly version on sourceforge # by Kayne on 05/14/10 at 01:23:13Thanks for the quick update to b18, didn't expect it so fast! Awesome!! :)
# by biodavide on 05/14/10 at 19:16:05I updated to 1.4b18 and it doesn't work! :(
# by msandersen on 05/15/10 at 16:17:48Update to the latest version posted to the link above:
http://sourceforge.net/projects/msnpl...dium/files/ # by kekos on 05/14/10 at 22:26:56The custom emoticon support works well, I have no complains. But I think this plugg-in doesn't allow nicknames to be updated. It seems to use very very old nicknames... Is the problem for the color tag filter? Does anyone has the same problem?
# by Zam89 on 05/16/10 at 15:02:30I'm afraid I've to ask you to review your project because it's not working with older versions than 1.3.7 and this is unfair
Temo di doverti chiedere di rivedere il tuo progetto perchè non funziona con versioni successive alla 1.3.7 # by idsos00 on 06/07/10 at 10:11:10Still can't support special characters, such as ©ƒ†¥ˆ....or even我ちç(foreign languages)...
# by mdl on 06/13/10 at 02:57:22can i ask where this plugin stores the emotes you save so i can back it up (or rather search through my backup copies of my disc as i had to reinstall adium)
# by skip2 on 06/13/10 at 16:27:23I can't get the custom emoticons to work. If I untick the "Display custom emoticons" box in the Preferences>Advanced>MSN I can see my own custom emoticons in the text, but I can't see the custom emoticons from the person I'm chatting with. If I tick the box, I can see the other person's custom emoticons, but not my own. The other person sees my custom emoticons regardless of my settings. Can't come up with any way of fixing this. Does anyone have any suggestions?
# by glennderooij on 06/29/10 at 18:52:58Exactly the same problem here, please reply - SOMEONE?! I cant see my own emoticon, but the receiver of my messages can..
# by ddl449 on 06/13/10 at 20:17:17First of thanks for the good job ivendor :)
Although I have installed and I successfully can't see msn's plus custom names, I can't add Custom Emoticons. I have "Display Custom Emoticons" flag on but when I try to press "OK" (after "Open Custom Emoticon Panel" , "+", write a name) the emoticon doesn't appear at the list. I can receive other people's emoticons but I cannot sent any. They tell me that I sent them only text (the same with "supposed added emoticon"). Have you ever faced this problem before? (PS: The image files are on the deskotop and .gif labeled) # by zardos666 on 06/29/10 at 01:27:24Hey there
I found a really big problem in this extra I don't know if anybody already complained about it cause there are so many comments here and have no time right now to read them all For exemple I have a emoticon called 12345 that is a ugly face and someone that is talking to me have a emoticon with the same name (12345) and his smile is a crying guy and he uses it, all my ugly faces will be replaced by my friend's emoticon. # by perfecto on 11/02/10 at 14:36:41ISN'T ANYONE EXPERIENCING A NEW PROBLEM SINCE NEW ADIUM UPDATE 1.4 ???
>>> the custom emoticon menu doesn't show up anymore !!! GREAT !!! if the update also killed all the smileys I took time to customize I am closing down Adium # by Docbrown on 11/02/10 at 17:18:16Yep...Msn plus doesn't work anymore...How annoying :(
# by perfecto on 11/03/10 at 15:45:44ok apparently, everyone was supposed to GUESS that the new link for the updated version is here : http://adiumxtras.com/index.php?a=xtr...tra_id=7005
great communication skills mister Tiziano... # by korncert on 11/03/10 at 18:31:12It doesn't work with Adium 1.4, even v1.01 :s :(... can anybody fix it please?
# by petoi on 12/16/10 at 10:10:11i'm guessing it doesn't work for 1.4.1? none of my friends are getting my emoticons, only text
# by tuktasatu on 02/04/11 at 07:23:54I cannot add custom emoticon if its name has Thai character or set shortcut to Thai.
# by phantomlover1717 on 04/21/11 at 00:37:15I cant see other emoticons in group chats, my own are showing fine.....
# by rmasoni on 05/10/11 at 03:50:08People can see my custom emoticons but I can't see theirs. It only shows the “?” blue icon as if it's loading.
I already updated the plugin and tested with the “Display custom emoticons” account option checked and unchecked. Nothing seems to make it work. Also, when a friend is the first one to send a custom emoticon, my custom emoticon list will deactivate and only reactivate when I send a custom emoticon by typing its text shortcut. Please tell me what I have to do in order for this to work properly once again. # by DottorSam on 06/15/11 at 20:32:33doesn't work with Adium 1.4.2; smile sent are displayed by the recipient's; smile received does not show
# by ivendor on 06/17/11 at 12:51:17you must enable custom emoticon in msn account and set an emoticon set in adium preferences.
# by DottorSam on 06/17/11 at 16:00:59yes, I use "msn emoticon" set, and it works fine; but custom emoticons received doesn't show me; only abbreviation appears, how can I solve?
# by ivendor on 06/17/11 at 16:32:00custom emoticons recieved is not a feature of this plugin, but it must be activated in order to send the emoticons too.
the option is inside your msn account preferences, if you are using adium 1.4, otherwise, with old adium 1.3 , it was inside adium advanced options. # by DottorSam on 06/17/11 at 16:40:40is this? http://cl.ly/0T451J1k2D240E2V3y3f
it was already activated; but I can't show custom emoticon received :( I'm on 1.4.2 stable release tnx for support :) # by ivendor on 06/17/11 at 23:06:45it's strange i use your same settings and i receive and send emoticons. You should receive the emoticons even without the plugin however.
# by DottorSam on 06/17/11 at 23:10:49I also tried to delete adium preferences but the bug persists then I don't know what is the problem :|
ps: are you italian? I saw your name! # by ivendor on 06/18/11 at 15:11:25Yes i'm italian! however there is an issue of Adium 1.4.2 and the emoticon cannot be received from others and they are shown as question marks! (?)
For the same reason, the others can't see emoticon sent by my plugin and this issue is in Adium itself (i suppose in libpurple), i can't do anything. # by DottorSam on 06/18/11 at 15:15:55Allora è proprio un problema della 4.2.1 :(
Avessi visto prima il nome avrei scritto direttamente in italiano! Comunque a me non appare il quadratino blu con il punto interrogativo, praticamente se io invio un custom smile lo visualizziamo sia io che il destinatario; mentre se il custom smile lo inviano a me non visualizzo il punto interrogativo ma visualizzo proprio i caratteri dell'abbreviazione usata per quel custom smile! Considerando che ho provato con Adium 1.4.2 stock, senza preferenze e nulla ma solo con il tuo plugin installato, credo proprio sia un problema di base di adium, anche se comunque vedo capita a molti. # by Anny_mll on 06/18/11 at 02:51:07Recently install the 1.4.2 version, can send custom emoticon but can't see others customs emoticons a (?) is shown :( please help
# by ferryh on 07/13/11 at 11:28:46thank u very much,
i have just one question, is there going to be a voiceclip plugin for Adium? my friends use windows (feel so sorry for them haha) and they always use voiceclips.. (now we skype tho.. but maybe it is possible with adium soon?) Greets and many many thanks for this plugin!!! :) # by Aaliyah001 on 08/09/11 at 12:19:28If I untick the "Display custom emoticons" box in the Preferences>Advanced>MSN I can see my own custom emoticons in the text, braves tickets but I can't see the custom emoticons from the person I'm chatting with. If I tick the box, I can see the other person's custom emoticons, but not my own. The other person sees my mariners tickets custom emoticons regardless of my settings. Can't come up with any way of fixing this
# by Recko on 09/01/11 at 06:10:24in my adium 1.4.2 I can´t see the icons of my friends that are in MSN, they appear like a cuestion mark (?) HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!!!
# by Caifo on 10/24/11 at 00:37:08Please, we need a 64-bit build for Adium 1.5b1 :D thanks in advance!
# by kleye3 on 11/01/11 at 01:18:17yeh it doesn't work on adium 1.5b2
# by ivendor on 11/01/11 at 12:31:21updated! with beta versions, probably i must update on every build, i'll try to do as quick as possible.
# by Th3F1rSt on 11/01/11 at 13:25:491.5b2 here. It just always deactivates the plugin, won't work with your latest update :/
# by ricnunes on 11/01/11 at 17:14:00Go here http://sourceforge.net/projects/msnpl.../Adium-1.5/ and download the new version. It works perfectly.
Thanks for updating it :D # by carl0s1711 on 11/02/11 at 09:02:39i have a problem, i can see the emoticons of my contacts but when i install this plugin and try to send anything, with or without a custom emoticon, dont show in my window and my contacts cant see it too. why is this happening?
# by heeroy on 11/08/11 at 08:44:14OS: Max OS X 10.7.1
Adium version: 1.5b3 MSN plus version : 1.1 After installing and restart, it's displayed: "Plugin MSNPlus will be Diabledn This plugin does not support your native architecture." http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/...8at123.png/ uname -a Darwin $MyHostName 11.2.0 Darwin Kernel Version 11.2.0: Tue Aug 9 20:54:00 PDT 2011; root:xnu-1699.24.8~1/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 # by lordpollo on 11/14/11 at 08:05:59u need download from official site : http://msnplusadium.sourceforge.net/
but exactly : http://sourceforge.net/projects/msnpl.../Adium-1.5/ # by hirakujira on 11/14/11 at 18:54:40Hello I am using 1.5b3 and Lion. I also tried Adium 1.4.3.
However, when I use this plugins, only small icons (under 20x20) can be sent, if a emotion icon is much bigger (maybe 50x50px), the receiver will show nothing in his chatting window. Only me have this issue or everyone? # by Snickersli on 04/04/12 at 16:39:12Hi, better late than never, but I just found Adium today. We have some reaaally old Mac's here in our office. OS 10.4.11 so I installed Adium with the MSN Plus Plugin (1.1 - 13 Zip). I could install everything and actually it works great. My collegue uses Live Messenger. So now if she sends a emoticon, I see it, I can copy it, and I can see it in the "insert custom emoticon" but when I place it in the message windows and send it, it just shows the text for me. My collegue sees it. If I take the tick out, I can see it, but my collegue can't.
What is it? # by panosru on 06/10/12 at 15:23:43Hi, I was wondering if msn plus will be available for Adium 1.5.1 :)
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# by cmax34 on 09/20/09 at 13:23:24
Really really good
# by IndianUpdates7 on 10/28/14 at 01:45:54