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Submitted By Benjamin Gwin (bearzly)


Fetches a random FML from the website and sends it to your friend. If you aren't already familiar with it, check out FML for humorous anecdotes.

Run it using /fml


1.1 - Added timeout in case the api site goes down, and added a debug output
1.0 - Initial version


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# by oilhockey on 05/25/09 at 22:42:04

Very good script

# by Tdog78 on 05/28/09 at 19:48:06

Good script! Do you think it is a way to do the same thing for ? It is such a better site in my opinion..

# by bearzly on 05/28/09 at 23:33:02

It's a bit too morbid in my opinion. FML provides a nice API so that it's easy to get a random one, while doing it for some of the FML clones would take more effort.

# by burry on 06/01/11 at 05:02:15

broken as of adium 1.4.1

# by burry on 06/01/11 at 05:02:51

readonly02011-05-31T22:01:44-04:00enInvalid API key

# by ellisgeek on 08/31/11 at 04:24:49

same on adium 1.3.10

# by maximevalette on 10/27/11 at 09:52:32

Hi, I'm the creator of FML. Just run into that nice Xtra :)

I fixed the bug, you can download the new version here:

Hope bearzly will officially update it soon.

# by skweek on 08/28/13 at 02:25:03


back in 2011 maximevalette updated the script repairing the bug but the url link is no longer valid, would you mind creating a new submission it doesn't look like bearzly will update it since the last update reads 2009.


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5.00 / 4 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 06/09/09
Benjamin Gwin (bearzly)