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Submitted By robert andrais (oilhockey)


This script randomly generates one of fifty athiest quotes from various historical and philosophical figures from throughout history including Einstein, Nietzsche, Hawking, Voltaire, Hitchens and various others. This script may perhaps be insulting to religious people ... if you are obviously don't download it as the extent of your illogic will become clear shortly after using this program, and may find it difficult to continue living in the denial of how irreconcilably all religions are disingenuous, malevolent, and most importantly retarded. The trigger is /god.


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# by biglittledragoon on 05/24/09 at 15:17:55

Thanks. It could be better if quotes are really "quoted", like "Hawking said so and so".

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4.30 / 11 votes
Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 04/21/09
Robert Andrais