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Set Idle

Set Idle

Submitted By Jay Patteson (ipi37)


This script is for pure avoidance of others. For instance, suppose there is someone you are trying to avoid and just plain don't want to talk to. But you don't want to block or ignore them. (This happens to me frequently.) So I wrote a script that will set your status to idle for 1+ hours. (It randomly selects a time between 1 and 2 hours to make it appear that you have been away for a different amount of time each time they come online.)


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# by on 10/02/04 at 06:19:00

Speaking of avoidance of others.... avoid this script. Hold option, and 'Set Idle' becomes 'Set Custom Idle' that does exactly this, without downloading anything.

# by on 10/02/04 at 17:09:02

Just like Manta said, you can simply hold option to make "Set Idle" come up as "Set Custom Idle." It makes this a rather pointless script...

# by on 10/03/04 at 15:24:10

But the point of this script is that you can make this automatic by putting it into the alerts of the person. So when that person signs on, it automatically makes you idle.

# by micah on 10/09/04 at 19:02:39

yea.........sry dude.........pointless.........NOW IF U COULD GET A SCRIPT TO WARN PPL THEN U GOT ME ATTENTION

# by kap on 10/19/04 at 06:53:52

I hope someone just warns that micah kiddie into oblivion, jesus.

Having a script just to idle yourself specifically for when person x comes on sounds like a great idea to me, I know I'll probably end up using this.

# by on 11/29/04 at 18:50:15

if what they say is true then it's pretty useless but being able to trigger it to a specific person.. that's not something I need but that's intersting.

# by konozulu on 12/24/04 at 22:30:06

crap...i just used it on my mom, problem was I was only online for 5 min when she came on. "how can you be idle for 2 hours when you were online for 5 minutes"


# by on 01/13/05 at 03:39:53

I'm sorry all of you people seem to have problems with this script, but judging by the rating and the number of votes it has, it would seem to work for more people than not.

# by on 01/26/05 at 16:55:23

Hey. i think thats a good idea.

# by on 05/10/05 at 06:00:48

I think it's a good idea too. I always like to see new ideas for applescripts. More the better. Good job.

# by Anonymous on 06/14/05 at 17:33:33

i cant run this programme

# by adium on 01/05/07 at 18:09:25

how do u use it?

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3.23kb (2630 downloads)

3.10 / 168 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/01/04