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WarCraft III sounds

WarCraft III sounds

Submitted By Dan Berliner (thesilverfox06)


A collection of sounds from everyone's favorite RTS game.



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# by on 10/03/04 at 20:35:32

j'espere savoir s'il y a une version fr

# by thesilverfox06 on 10/04/04 at 00:49:08

I'm sorry to say that I do not know French, nor do I own the French version of Warcraft III, so there will not be a French version of this sound set.

# by shadowfox on 10/18/04 at 22:33:29

love your sondset, im making a starcraft one and need help, are you interested?

# by on 10/28/04 at 12:08:37


# by Fab on 12/14/04 at 10:53:46

Tu peux toujours recuper les sons FR de Warcraft via l'editeur de son inclus dans le jeu? (si tu l'as achet?) :D

# by thesilverfox06 on 12/27/04 at 23:54:43

(using online translator to understand message)
That's true, but since I don't know French, I would have no way of knowing if the same sounds work for what I intended them to in the French version.

# by germanboy3383 on 11/29/05 at 21:05:47

any chance for a starcraft version?

# by thesilverfox06 on 11/30/05 at 01:21:40

Unfortunately, I'm going to have to say no. Not because I wouldn't like it, but because obtaining all of the sounds from StarCraft is not as easy (since WC's editor has the sounds ready to export).

# by evmaker on 01/03/06 at 07:05:32

I tell how to get the sounds from starcrafts mpq's or do it for you if you'd want the sounds for a starcraft soundset, up to you

# by Universial-Soilder on 11/23/06 at 17:31:49

good idea :D

# by iMicrobe on 05/04/08 at 11:14:14

Bonjour à tous les francophones !

J'ai posté à l'instant un version française du set. Elle sera probablement disponible sous peu !
Bonne journée :-)

(this is to say that a french version will be relased in a few days)

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597.75kb (28770 downloads)

2.80 / 132 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 09/30/04