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Submitted By pixelauthor


Adium Dock Icon Set based upon the Watchmen character Rorschach
This is my first set - enjoy! The states are based upon authentic Rorschach faces, with the exception of the idle state (Online state is his "happy" face, Alert is his surprised face, Away is his questioning face). Give me comments, let me know what you think, suggest improvements...I'm all ears!


04-06-2009 V 1.2 Updated loading animation - RorDuck's face is now animated while connecting!
Updated alert animation - RorDuck's face is now animated when new messages arrive (out of focus)

04-09-2009 V 1.3 As suggested by a user, I've updated the invisible status to be Rorschach's alter ego, Walter Kovacs - a very good idea!
Also updated to add ApplicationIcon state for better looking icon in Quicklook and other areas
Version Unrelated Uploaded new file as zipped .AdiumIcon file so that the "install" link will work from now on!



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# by gattotimo on 03/21/09 at 07:34:21

Very nice! I was looking for some Rorschach Icon, thanks. It's good the online one with the smile, maybe it should have some inkblot too. However good work man :)

# by jeby on 03/28/09 at 11:28:42

OMG!!! Amazing, thanks for this!!!

# by prach on 04/07/09 at 04:15:50

awesome. i love it. thank you!

# by prach on 04/07/09 at 04:15:54

awesome. i love it. thank you!

# by bouya on 04/07/09 at 19:04:43

It doesn't work… does anyone can confirm it?

# by pixelauthor on 04/07/09 at 19:12:45

I installed this before uploading it, so I'm not sure what the problem is. Try this: Use the download link above, rather than the install. Once you've downloaded it, unzip it and rename the folder with all the files in it "RorDuck2.AdiumIcon." Choose "Add" when asked if you're sure you want to add the extension to the end of the name. Now double-click the newly created .AdiumIcon file and you should have a successful install. Cheers!

# by bouya on 04/07/09 at 19:14:51

Thank you very much ! it works !

# by pixelauthor on 04/07/09 at 19:17:44

By the way, for those of you who are fans of RorDuck, my next Adium Dock icon is pending approval: Dr Manducken! ;)

# by jeby on 04/08/09 at 06:15:55

great! :) I'm thinking about a watchmen emoticon set

# by pixelauthor on 04/08/09 at 18:48:08

AWESOME! I'm using your big blacy set as we speak - VERY nice. This would be a welcome addition to the stuff I've done (admittedly, the menubar icon set and status set are not as quality as my dock icons. I'd welcome whatever Watchmen material you're willing to submit.)

# by jeby on 04/08/09 at 19:08:45

Perfect! Now I'm a little busy, I'll see what I can do, don't expect anything "soon"... ^_^
I've two suggestion/request for this icon:
1) Walter Kovacs invisible status
2) Ink animation for connection status

# by pixelauthor on 04/09/09 at 14:16:12

The connection status is already there - to keep the file size down, it's the same animation as alert. (see update notes on 04-06) I love the idea of Walter Kovacs as the invisible status. I've submitted an update with the new invisible Adiumy. Let me know if it works for you!

# by jeby on 04/09/09 at 14:31:22

I'm unable to download (I guess your update is not yet approved), but preview is very good!

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1.4mb (2885 downloads)

4.60 / 27 votes
Current Version: 1.3
Last Updated: 04/09/09