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Pretty Simple |
Submitted By Piotrek Marciniak (piotrekm) |
DescriptionMinimalist style, quite similar to Simplestatuslist, but even simpler.Use with:
You can also try the Pretty Simple message style. Changes
CommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by DylanChase on 04/07/09 at 03:41:09I really like this style. One thing I do ask is that you please make a message style to match it...I love this style so much that every message style pails in comparison. Haha
# by roelani on 06/12/09 at 23:40:42I'm going to have to agree with DylanChase on this. Every message style I install just seems clunky now. Oh, pretty please, make us a m essage style!
I slap-dashed one on my side, but it's pretty bad. :) # by sifut on 07/16/09 at 19:16:08This looks clean. Would you be able to add the display picture in the list layout too? =D
# by krickonaut on 08/21/09 at 05:08:17This is a fantastic theme. I agree with everything SianCyan has said. Well, done. It's just what I was looking for and it fits perfectly with my current desktop theme.
# by duien on 12/14/09 at 19:01:38The is an absolutely wonderful theme! I highly recommend using 'Side Dock' status icons with it -- they go really well with the clean look.
# by NecArn on 03/09/10 at 22:56:45Very nice design! Goes great with side dock as status icons and also with septi as the dock icon (thanks duien).
# by suzykaploozie on 04/06/10 at 16:18:51Beautiful, Simple and VERY Elegant. I absolutely love it! Now off to try to find a similar message style.
# by efstajas on 05/27/10 at 19:40:08Look, I've made my own style for me and it looks similar to yours: http://cl.ly/1BMX :D
# by Monique on 06/23/10 at 05:48:05A couple of quick questions:
1) Please let us know what font you used - it's fabulous! 2) Is there any reason I can't apply a background image? (a gif patten I want to tile from the message style package) Maybe some box I was supposed to uncheck or something that I've missed? (The use "Background Image" is checked and still nothing happens) Love this, well done! # by gameaholic on 08/01/10 at 06:28:15Awesome style, the only problem here is scrolling bar, which looks like the one from safari. Is there anyway to make the scrolling bar look like the elegant simple style?
# by pitterpoehse on 12/16/10 at 18:41:32Great Theme but I'm having a little issue about the font, somehow the inactive contacts are displayed a little "pixelated", I've made a screenshot but it's hard to recognize. http://cl.ly/43430a1a3N2X3Z2q091d http://cl.ly/382P3v472E3W0F3n1B1k
Does somebody know how to fix this? # by piotrekm on 12/16/10 at 19:41:31I think it's connected with the new 1.4 version.
You might try editing the theme and set the font's typeface to Light instead of UltraLight. I think I should add a variant of this theme with the light typeface, it sometimes looks bad too on very dark backgrounds. # by pitterpoehse on 12/16/10 at 19:53:06Isn't it possible to fix it? Or do I have to use a brighter background in order to have it look better? Light looks pretty ugly compared to UltraLight :/
# by piotrekm on 12/16/10 at 20:03:50If you don't find the Light typeface good enough, I'm afraid there is no other solution to this.
I myself used the Light typeface for my black background and then updated to 1.4, so I've just discovered that v1.4 changed the way of rendering the contact list and the letters do look thinner on every kind of background. Now the light typeface looks more similar to the style's screenshots. Strange thing, indeed, though I think we will have to learn to live with it;) # by troller on 06/07/11 at 18:37:22I love this style. Is it ok to post some info about it on http://macblah.com ?
# by SympliG0th on 12/30/11 at 09:20:30Love this theme but the message theme I can't tweak. Could you please make a white version of this theme (with black text)
# by piotrekm on 12/30/11 at 11:26:52I tried, and was appalled by the result. Since then I don't even think of it, though I too would prefer it to be brighter.
Forks are as always welcome. Besides, I've lost my Mac. # by SympliG0th on 12/31/11 at 03:05:36I can understand that. I tried to just change the text to white but no matter what I do it refuses to change colors. Is there something I'm missing maybe?
# by SympliG0th on 12/31/11 at 03:05:43I can understand that. I tried to just change the text to white but no matter what I do it refuses to change colors. Is there something I'm missing maybe?
# by kelleychambers on 07/17/12 at 20:44:24I don't care what new styles come out this is ALWAYS my defacto, go to style... it's my favorite and probably always will be. Clean, crisp and VERY minimalistic. KUDOS!!!
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# by SianCyan on 03/29/09 at 18:25:23