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Submitted By Mike Samson (TheAngryCurtain)


There was a LOZ soundset that had Navi noises, so I thought i'd make a Dock Icon to match it. She constently flies, changes from blue to yellow when away, and goes into a bottle when your offline.



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# by hyposonus on 01/09/09 at 20:32:36

Hey this is a pretty interesting Dock, but if I may give some feedback: Try to make the wings flap up and down slightly slower, and also have the entire fairy move slowly up and down as the wings flap, if at all possible. I'll give this a 4/5

# by icemonkey004 on 01/11/09 at 20:02:57

I agree with hypnosonus...this would be really great/interesting if you fixed it a bit.

The speed of the wings flapping is fine...but it should be moving up and down slowly to show that it is hovering. Also, the bottom wings should be moving as well, less-so than the bigger ones tho. And it would be interesting if the 'fairy-dust' below would be sprinkling down an disappearing. Also remember to make the shadow grow and shrink depending on how low or high it is when it's hovering.

I would love to see that, it would give some real 3D feeling to the dock.

# by TheAngryCurtain on 01/11/09 at 21:59:46

Thanks guys, I'll definitely look into it and fix it up. Expect it by the end of the week :P

# by MaddiLouise on 06/20/11 at 15:57:09

You should have it so she flies when you get a message, not all the time ^_^

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694.15kb (1728 downloads)

4.50 / 10 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 01/07/09