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Broadcaster |
Submitted By Evan Schoenberg (evands) |
DescriptionBroadcaster sends a specified message to all open chat windows.Use is easy: /all{Message} Changes1.1: Updated for Adium 1.2+CommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by darmot7 on 09/19/04 at 15:17:14cool! is there anyway to get the script to not have the /all{message(
# by Joshua on 11/10/04 at 23:31:04This is handy for when I am doing an internet music broadcast, would be nice to be able to do it for all the users currently not set as away though.
# by rylansmom@yahoo.com on 01/12/06 at 19:02:29Ok... why can't i get this to work? Am I having a blonde moment? LOL!!
# by mandrake on 01/19/06 at 20:06:40is there a way i can send a messsage to all online users without having to open their windows? thank you.
# by evands on 01/19/06 at 20:36:11There is, but I don't want to post the script to AdiumXtras.com because of the great potential for abuse. Take a look at the applescript within this xtra; most of the work is just chagning the word 'chat' to 'contact'.
# by kirk on 02/02/06 at 22:50:40Great job. I just used it for broadcasting a local band concert date to everyone on my list. Very fast and very useful. Thanks.
# by zevlag on 01/16/08 at 20:13:55This script doesn't seem to work on the latest release of Adium 1.2
# by Xjs on 01/18/08 at 13:07:34Cool idea, simple implementation.
I could have done it, too, iThink, but although thanks for creating the script. # by tekweeny on 03/13/08 at 08:43:03Nice script. Wish I had installed it when I first started using Adium.
Since others have had issues in the past my experience is V1.1 of this script works exactly as stated using Adium 1.2.3 running on Leopard with the latest patches (as of 3/13/2008). Also, a previous comment mentioned it did not strip out "/all{" but I did not see this and the message test between {} was properly parsed and multicasted to each open chat session. # by veads on 09/09/08 at 18:02:50Hey, will this work with V1.3? If so I'm having a hard time getting it to work. Can you walk me through step by step?
I would love to use it in my school. # by Leech on 09/17/08 at 03:22:49Is there a way to send the message after the "/all" without enclosing message with { and } ?
# by dhjdhj on 10/24/08 at 13:35:10This is (almost) what I have been looking for. I need something in between "broadcast to all open windows" and "broadcast to all contacts"
What I'd like to be able to do is select some subset of my contacts and be able to broadcast to that subset, without having to first open chat windows, etc Thanks for making this plugin. # by RazFandango on 05/10/10 at 18:54:54Almost 2 years later and this extension still works with the latest version of Adium. Personally I'd like to see the functionality that dhjdhj requested, but that's what Spark IM is for I suppose.
# by Faisal_Computer on 11/13/12 at 11:14:23Hello,
i am new to Aduim Xtras... i just download & Installed it. it's say successfully installed. after i go to the Adium main menu, and choose Xtras Manager there i can see Broadcaster. but when i click on it. it's not responding. maybe i don't know how to use. or may this is very old and didn't work on latest ver. I am using version 1.5.4 . can any one help me ? i need to send msg to all of my contants. waiting for Good response. Br Faisal_Computer Post a New CommentYou must be logged in to post comments. |
# by czarlimit on 09/18/04 at 22:14:56