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Sticker Style

Sticker Style

Submitted By Bob Jr (bobjr)



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# by bobjr on 09/30/08 at 19:17:42


# by lofight on 10/01/08 at 10:42:17


# by bobjr on 10/04/08 at 08:23:46

Thx +)

# by mac93 on 10/01/08 at 17:15:07

it is very beautiful. it is a very good job. but it isn't compatible with dark background. i hope in a future release

# by bobjr on 10/04/08 at 08:22:33

# by cottinghamk on 10/03/08 at 20:02:49

Awesome! If you could make the area behind the bubbles transparent rather than white it would be amazing.

# by cottinghamk on 10/03/08 at 20:04:33

No edit function. Could you also add options to place messages closer together and maybe shrink the pictures? Unless I make the window huge, I can only see like two messages at once without scrolling.

# by bobjr on 10/04/08 at 08:26:00

Hmm...Invites you to change the size of icons and distance messages?
I think it can be done as an option...

# by miseryantics on 10/04/08 at 07:44:31

Really really nice message style. Thanks for this! :D

# by bobjr on 10/04/08 at 08:26:38

Thank you!

# by mac93 on 10/04/08 at 16:22:39

there is a sticker images for the struments' bar of the chat window?

# by dcentity2000 on 10/14/08 at 11:52:28

Oh wow!

# by bobjr on 10/15/08 at 05:25:04

Thx man))))

# by miseryantics on 10/15/08 at 15:17:41

Thanks for the new colours. My favourite message style just got better! :)
Keep at it bobjr!

# by bobjr on 10/16/08 at 10:00:41

Uuuuuiiiiiii thanks dude +)))))

# by Calenulma on 10/31/08 at 18:40:22

How about a white sticker as well? It would be great!
And a white variant with a black border!!!

# by therusskey on 11/20/08 at 23:50:00

where is that icon from? the cat?

# by cowboyepic on 12/08/08 at 19:53:09

this is such a cute message style~ i loove it.
Though could you make an option with small/subtle stamp somewhere? that'd be aaawwwesome. thank u! :)

# by cowboyepic on 12/08/08 at 19:59:22

ohhh nevermind, i found out how to see the time...!! BRILLIANT!!!!!!!

# by GeckoMan on 01/22/09 at 02:28:22

does the background come supplied? cause all i get are the sticker speech bubbles
very nice other wise

# by rantdepot on 01/28/09 at 01:29:00

This is a great, colourful theme... however, I wish it would group consecutive messages by the same sender into one "sticker" to save screen space.

# by junkiegeek on 02/12/09 at 11:17:21

Here is a nice background for this.
It's a cork-like background.

I hope you don't get offended or maybe I am just stupid. Is there a way to make the stickers bubbles to have a max. size? So when it is a long message or a link that is being sent, it gives me a scroll bar. I don't know if it is me or not Sorry, I am still kind of new to Adium.

Other then that. I love the stickers look. ^_^ Very nice and cute!

# by junkiegeek on 02/12/09 at 11:18:47

ops sorry I mean when a long message has been sent, it gives me scroll bar. I don't really want it to have scroll bar.

# by therusskey on 03/02/09 at 21:36:36

does anybody else have this problem with a semi-transparent background: they come up when a message is sent or the window is two-finger-scrolled. the bubble outlines disappear once you force the window to refresh(moving another over it, clicking on something in the window, but until then you have these ugly bubble outlines. any ideas? i just installed the latest version of the style. using adium 1.3.3

# by therusskey on 03/03/09 at 02:20:37
nevermind, i guess we wait. =[

# by bobjr on 03/04/09 at 18:29:02

I know as it to correct... A unique exit to put a transparency on 80 %

# by therusskey on 07/08/09 at 22:34:31

it seems to work now (safari 4.0.1 webkit)

# by Zevan on 05/09/09 at 19:01:27

A superb cute and cool messaging theme for adium!!

I got a few questions though, how do I change the icons? I've seen many other screenshots with different icons aside from the cat.

# by behets on 11/02/09 at 04:53:31

Hey! First of all, great style, really love it!
But i have two little feature requests if i may.
First is to have to username showed by default, or make it an option to show it.
Now you see it if you hover the userimage, but when using adium for irc in the beta version it's timeconsuming to hover all images when you follow a conversation.

Second request is to have the abillity to change the size of the userimages.
So we can set it bigger or smaller to each favor.

# by Dado94 on 02/11/10 at 02:09:23

wonderful! :)

# by Sakura on 02/23/10 at 19:32:07

So cute, I love it! I am new to Adium, and I'm glad to find things like this. :) Like behets, I also please request that the username is shown by default instead of hover, if possible--I use Adium group chat at my company with all of my coworkers, and its hard to keep track. Thanks for sharing!

# by bobjr on 02/23/10 at 21:27:01

Thank you for your comment, wait for the new version this month =P

# by shilbia on 03/24/10 at 22:42:37

Thank you, I really like it. It's cute and simple and i love the colors :D

# by tuantony1003 on 05/19/10 at 08:24:48

i don't know how can i change the background in conversation windows???Teach me

# by pritthish on 05/27/10 at 11:20:52

you cant, the dev used Adium Mattes code (which doesnt allow custom backgrounds) for the theme :)

# by partyinmyhead on 06/15/10 at 11:19:57

looovvveeee this theme soooOoOOooO MUCH..thanks for sharing it!!

# by casperghosts on 10/25/10 at 17:19:57

I used to love this theme, but since you disabled the option to use custom backgrounds I've had to abandon it.
It's a really selfish move for YOU to decide that it looks "bad" with backgrounds enabled. I had the perfect image that worked so well with this theme, but now I can't use it.
Please at LEAST offer a previous version or something.

# by siavashs on 11/22/11 at 16:06:16

I only found one variant in the package.
Where are the other colors? :P

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90.19kb (86814 downloads)

4.00 / 361 votes
Current Version: 3.0
Last Updated: 08/03/11
Powered by Lighty theme