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Tokyo Train Station

Tokyo Train Station

Submitted By Dominik Dimaano (MrRoboto)


Tokyo Train Station is a remake of Electric Dream, designed for users who enjoy the simplicity of Electric Dream but dislike its dreamy and uncanny capability of lulling them to sleep.

This is a collection of 5 mutated synthesizer runs for the following events: Buddy LogOn, Buddy LogOff, New Message Received, Message Sent, Message Received.

Though the sounds play the same musical notes, they have all been remade so that they are less mellow and "dreamy." The 'log-on' and 'log-off' sounds have been significantly redesigned so they are much shorter and much less dreamier than it's predecessor, Electric Dream.

Electric Dream will still be availble for those late-night AIM'ers with terrible insomnia :).

As always, feedback is very much appreciated.

*Update: This is the second release of Tokyo Train Station (version 1.5). I've increased the volume a bit based on user feedback.


You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by czarlimit on 09/12/04 at 02:10:36

Wow. Amazing. Reminds me of my 6 weeks spent in Japan in '97. Thank you!

Only if you could make it a little can only really hear it if its half volume or up. I'm usually on 2-4 bars volume.

# by Micah on 09/12/04 at 03:28:29

nice touch..............

# by Anonymous on 09/12/04 at 13:25:00

classy set. easy on the ears and very usable. great job!

# by on 09/12/04 at 22:39:41

Great set Zeethrogise! I have a question for you, but I don't have your contact information. Please e-mail me!

# by Junpei on 09/13/04 at 01:55:54

These are really great. Brings back fond memories of the Shinkansen.

# by on 09/13/04 at 02:26:46

I love it.

# by on 09/14/04 at 21:59:16

Really nice.

# by redokem on 09/20/04 at 02:05:56

Very enjoyable. Adds an interesting touch to Adium.

# by on 09/24/04 at 02:37:05

A very well done soundset! Sounds very relaxing!

# by on 10/05/04 at 05:31:08

love this one. so soothing. Care to reveal where you found these? i've been looking online for stuff like this for a while now.

# by brandon on 10/12/04 at 05:17:50

best one ever!!! ever!!!

# by Anonymous on 10/13/04 at 19:26:23

# by MrRoboto on 10/13/04 at 19:28:02

It's perfect!

# by on 10/13/04 at 22:35:09

This is a great soundset

# by on 10/19/04 at 03:16:31

I really really love this soundset. I turned off the sign on and off sounds because I have a really busy buddy list. Besides that, i absolutely love it. It's so simple and pretty :) Thanks!

# by on 11/07/04 at 12:28:20

Really great, thanks very much :)

# by Benjamin on 11/08/04 at 14:20:49

I love this - I never thought I would stop using the iChat sounds, but this just goes well with my life. :)

Thanks for creating it.

# by on 12/02/04 at 06:26:44

Sweet. This sound set has made my life complete! Thank you thank you thank you!

My favorite download here.

# by on 12/16/04 at 05:18:21

Amazing set. In fact, quite possibly the best IM sounds I have ever heard. Great work Simple, and beautiful.

# by bardo on 12/20/04 at 16:32:44

Best ever. By far.

# by Johnn on 12/20/04 at 16:44:07

I really like this sound set, its doesn't disturbs me and it's as sweet and discret that you won't never get scared when a new contact signs in, but at the same time it is powerful enough to alert you that a new person is coming or saying something to you, no obtrusive at all, so well done. I've bee using this sound set for months and I've never got tired of it.

# by MrRoboto on 12/24/04 at 02:36:37

I am astonished with the acclaim this soundset is receiving and its presence in the top 10 most popular for 2 straight months. All my work is now in the top 10, and I couldn't have done it without all of you. Thank you for your feedback; it will aid me in the creation of my next soundset in the very near future.

# by on 01/10/05 at 18:54:27

Like being back in Japan. Thanks!

# by on 02/07/05 at 19:21:46


# by Zak on 02/09/05 at 22:09:25

wow! did you find these sounds or make them?

# by on 02/16/05 at 00:11:58

Very, very cool. Can we have a Korean subway sound set next?

# by on 02/22/05 at 08:11:47

I've never got tired of it. I love it!

# by jim on 03/18/05 at 19:07:51

installing software on my new mini and this soundset was the first thing to get ... great stuff :)

# by Bardo on 04/02/05 at 12:55:53

I keep checking back... and this is still the best! Great job. I'd love to hear some other similar renditions of this. Same tonallity but in different tones... Maybe NYC subway... Give us more!

# by dakidski on 04/10/05 at 15:02:38

best soundset ever. Thanks.

# by on 04/18/05 at 03:23:24

this is an amazing soundset... the sounds are short and subtle enough that they don't annoy you. and so beautiful/mesmerizing...

# by on 04/28/05 at 09:49:10

I was using iChat's soundset, but now that I'm also using iChat, I wanted to change. It the nicest I found.
Thanks !

# by Brittney on 05/03/05 at 23:12:33

Me loves this.

# by on 05/05/05 at 09:54:25

Brilliant soundset, non-intrusive, excellent.

# by on 05/06/05 at 19:52:50

My favorite, more! So simple and non-intrusive.

# by on 05/07/05 at 02:46:32

id love to have a soundset of the french train station sounds! those were some great riffs

# by on 05/10/05 at 01:32:01

Excelent!!!! nice sound set, very pleasant to listen

# by ravijo on 05/12/05 at 00:52:11

Such a great sound set. I'm usually very picky about this stuff, and this Tokyo Train Station is the only one I've found comparable to iChat. Thumbs up for sure!

# by on 07/12/05 at 14:19:18

this set is wonderful. my only problem is that the sign on/off noises are too long when listening to music, nonetheless they sound wonderful

# by twalichiewicz on 09/21/05 at 00:17:21

Absolutly love it.

# by ck_nip on 10/17/05 at 22:07:37

The sound set is wonderful, although u said u have made it louder, but i think it is still too gentel when the music of my MAC turned on....i can hardly notice them.....may be louder again?

# by Catfish_Man on 11/05/05 at 23:59:20

You could just turn the volume for Adium up :)

# by Sirius74 on 12/05/05 at 15:23:14

Thank you so much for this wonderful sound set! This reminds me of when I was living in Japan for 4 years! ^^ I hope there'll be updates of this sound set and look forward to the possibility with great anticipation. Again, thank you for the sounds that bring back good memories! =(^.^)=

# by zc456 on 12/23/05 at 10:49:48

The sounds are so peaceful. I love them. ^__^

# by initram5 on 01/02/06 at 07:10:50

So cool, so perfect! I love all the sounds. Pls, make some tunes for phones as well.

# by judenile on 02/09/06 at 05:43:38

For years I have TURNED OFF all alert sounds on my computer because I find them crude and distracting. Your subtle, minimalist sound set is superb. Apple should hire you to redo all of its alert sounds. Thank you.

# by Matisfaction on 05/21/06 at 17:50:15

Really really nice, Subtle and stylish. Thumbs up!

# by coerul on 10/13/06 at 05:05:56

This is the only sound set I use, even after downloading many others. Great job! x3

# by Rebekia on 12/22/06 at 15:28:31

It's so hard for me to find a sound I wouldn't mind hearing constantly all day, but at the same time be a noise I don't completely tune out like the ichat "woop" this is perfect I believe for that calm cool collected moments I so desperately crave on my computer working.

# by jh048689 on 03/22/07 at 17:20:39

Can I contact you via email? Have a question for you?

# by MrRoboto on 03/22/07 at 19:12:30

You can contact me at [It's roTobo, no roBoto]

# by initram5 on 03/26/07 at 18:47:08

MrRoboto, I love this set - the ever best sound set I guess. Congratulation! As I see the new Adium offers this sound set but it seems bettet than that one. Am I right?

# by SyntheticFrost on 06/08/07 at 02:58:58

MrRoboto, your work is what inspired me to work harder in everything I do! Thank you

# by anekdamian on 07/18/07 at 17:48:43

Hey! I got this sound set on my iBook and i just love it, but now i'm working at my Pavilion and i want to set it up to my Pidgin too.... could you make a zip set for setting it up? thank you!

You can send it to me to

# by adiumosx11 on 07/21/07 at 16:19:41

Very nice.

# by lightxs on 09/17/07 at 21:42:11

It's really great! My favourite sound set so far!

# by thinktwice on 09/19/07 at 22:28:18

I would really like this as a zip set as well. By far the best, most soothing tones I have heard in a long while. Brilliant! They should be default tones on OS X.

# by RAlfieri on 11/01/07 at 16:33:26

Definitely more pleasing than the sound set of the same name included in the Adium install. Thanks.

# by bebowler on 11/22/07 at 21:08:42

The cleanest and nicest sound set for Adium I have found. For me they are just load enough on my MacBook speakers and don't irritate my partner like the default sounds do.

# by eddboy on 01/10/08 at 22:04:58

This is my all time favorite sound set. Thanks for creating it!

# by newalp on 03/26/08 at 17:33:11

This is great! If you like Japan train station music, you will love this website: You can find all the songs on it!

# by MrRoboto on 03/27/08 at 00:30:33

Wow, thanks a lot. I really appreciate it. It brings back so many nice memories of my stay in Tokyo. I'm in love with this site, thanks again!

# by MrRoboto on 03/27/08 at 00:37:15

The website even has the same sound of the Yokosuka Line to Narita Airport that I heard when I was there 6 years ago. Thanks again, you don't know how much this means to me.

# by newalp on 03/27/08 at 16:30:21

You're very welcome! I had the exact same reaction when I first found this site!

# by joeyc79 on 10/20/08 at 07:21:03

Simply greattttt

# by fjg on 10/23/08 at 11:34:31


# by jvalal on 11/06/08 at 22:03:03

Does someone have the mp3's or .wavs of this sound set?


# by bberg on 02/10/09 at 21:05:32

awesome. but i disagree with czarlimit (1st post). it sounds too loud for me.
i even edited it to be softer. love it anyway, thanks.

# by onlyonerem on 05/01/09 at 01:43:07

Would you be able to send this as an MP3 sound set to my email?

I'm in love with this sound set and it would be perfect for some other projects.

# by RockGod on 11/20/09 at 03:35:25

Damm i would also love to have these sounds in .mp3 or other sound format.
Anyone can post them somewhere ? that would be awesome!

# by aavany on 08/01/12 at 10:05:20

A very well done soundset! social media marketing services Sounds very relaxing!

# by prenagha on 11/08/13 at 00:27:09

Turned the Tokyo sounds into iTunes iPhone ready m4r tones

# by heathrowair on 08/26/14 at 08:53:25

Please post in MP3.

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1.32mb (158990 downloads)

3.70 / 1947 votes
Current Version: 1.5
Last Updated: 09/12/04
All sounds created by Dominik Dimaano
