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Sgt. Pepper's Adiumy Hearts Club Band

Sgt. Pepper's Adiumy Hearts Club Band

Submitted By Sarah N (sarahnade)


I have an unhealthy obsession with the Beatles. So, naturally, when I discovered you could change the Adium dock icon, I scoured each page of the X-tras looking for a Beatles theme. Much to my suprise, and dismay, there were none! Well! Something had to be done. So I did what any loyal fan would do. I made one myself.

Do you like it? Hate it? I'm not really happy with the hair. It's too bowl-cut. This one's based off Paul's uniform in Sgt. Pepper. I have versions in three other colors (for the other three uniforms), but I wanted to see if anyone even liked it before I submitted all four.



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# by malky on 09/09/08 at 07:50:31

I really like the yellow submarine, although I though the hair was a hat at first.
It'd be awesome to see the others though

# by bassman92 on 09/09/08 at 20:38:24

I think that you should make one with all submarines! the duck is pretty awesome too. the hair definitely need some work XD but I'd like to see te other colours too.

# by coolharvey on 09/11/08 at 07:55:56

This is really cool. As above, hair could be better, but the idea is great.

# by sarahnade on 09/11/08 at 13:30:50

Tanks all! I'm working on new hair :). When I get it looking better, I'll go ahead and post all four.

# by visualize27 on 09/14/08 at 11:35:01

Does the duck need to have hair at all? I would love a version without hair but with all four colors aswell.

# by Xjs on 10/01/08 at 19:49:30

Very nice idea (though I won't use them. They don't fit into my black and white desktop).

# by Aitikin on 12/15/08 at 17:47:37

I like it, but I think you should have one for each uniform in each color set. And, while I do like the submarine, I generally dislike it when the icons change completely for any status.

By the way, any updates?

# by acmac on 03/23/10 at 05:03:48

I love it! Please release more for the rest of the Beatles!

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Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 09/07/08
Based on work by Adam Betts