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Glossed Stripes Icon

Glossed Stripes Icon

Submitted By Harry Morris (baRRy)


A 512 x 512 glossy striped simple icon because I hear thats the new thang for all those leopard users. Smooth animations for a new message and connecting, looks a bit like the iphone style icons but that just happened by chance when I was making it.

Made simply with shadows, gradients, a striped pattern, basic photoshop shapes and lucidia grande font: All made by me Harry Morris.

Thank you, please comment :)


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# by Odetopenguins784 on 08/02/08 at 04:57:04

looks nice! Great job! :D

# by smajor on 08/11/08 at 12:56:55

I note that the dock badges and unread message counts for this are tiny, tiny, tiny. Is that because the icon is so large? 512x512? If so, could you do a sm/med/large varient so those of us without huge dock icons don't have this problem?

# by baRRy on 08/11/08 at 16:59:48

Yeh know what you mean, i'll do a 128x128 regular version. thankx for letting me know

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3.94mb (918 downloads)

3.70 / 9 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 07/29/08
Harry Morris. Photoshop 2; Old Skool