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Submitted By Martin Crisp (Hypercube)



Kills system volume. [Not just Adium's]

Add it to Away messages to turn your system volume off when you go Away.

Volume needs to be reenabed manually.
If volume re-enabled while an Away (or other 'status') is still active then it will be re-muted when Adium does its periodic status update.

Oh.. to install, unpack the .zip archive, and double-click on 'Muter.AdiumScripts'


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# by Anonymous on 09/12/04 at 19:52:00

What's the point?

# by on 09/13/04 at 00:08:22

Basically: not a lot.

Someone made a request in the Adium forums at funmac for a script to lower or mute the system volume. The script itself is only a couple of lines - put here for convenience of those who don't want to know enough AppleScript to write their own.

Have Fun

# by on 10/19/04 at 01:15:59

anyway to get this to activate the screensaver as well? that'd be awesome

# by on 10/20/04 at 00:50:25

Experiments activating the SS from AppleScript keep leaving me having to sleep my machine to be able to *deactivate* the screensaver.

If I can sort that little problem - sure.

Have Fun

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2.59kb (801 downloads)

3.20 / 106 votes
Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 09/01/04
Idea from a request in Forums. Other than that the whole 2 lines are my own work ;-)