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The dock icon template

The dock icon template

Submitted By Jonas Watsek (776jvacek)


This is the template that you will use, when you want to create a simple dock icon with online, offline, away and alert icon options.
The dock-icon making manual:
1st - Get all the pictures you want to use !!!Only in PNG!!! (use preview or something other, open, and the select ->save as->PNG)

2nd - DOWNLOAD the file posted

3rd - Open it in TextEdit

4th - Overwrite your name in and name of the project on the field marked with ___blah blah blah___

5th - Type in IconPack.plist to the Name folder, use UTF-8 and unmark the if no extension, use txt

6th - Rename your Pics to Flap.png (this will be the alert picture), Awake.png (the online picture), Asleep.png (the offline picture) and overlay_away.png (will be the overlay of awake.png)

7th - Put the picture and the plist to one folder

8th - Rename the folder to |something|.adiumicon

9th - Make an archive of the folder

10th - Upload it to

11th - Write my name in the credits. Just kidding...

You can really do what you want withi it, so please use in terms of peace.


1st and only version


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693b (1273 downloads)

2.50 / 13 votes
Current Version: 1.and
Last Updated: 06/18/08