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ICQ Sounds 1.1

ICQ Sounds 1.1

Submitted By Matias Meza (matip)


uh oh!! lol
i loved that sound :-) so made this ;)

made the changes.. hope it works now


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# by on 09/13/04 at 06:24:59

But does it include the infamous Mirabilis BLAAAAAAAAAAT?

Boy was I glad when AIM came around and made me not have to listen to that sound, ever.

*passes on the sound set*

# by darmot7 on 09/13/04 at 10:39:11

*HI-FIVE* i love that ut oh sound... ohh yeaaaaaaaa!!!!

# by James on 09/13/04 at 21:07:43



# by on 04/20/05 at 21:00:36

Great! Thanks a bunch.

# by on 04/30/05 at 02:05:26

I love ICQ sounds. I am so glad that you made this. I bow to you!

# by despeinadoforever on 11/02/07 at 00:19:42

oh ouh
i love it!! tnx i remember when i was 17 and lived in a little town of Chile...small town boy, tnx XXXXXDDDDD

# by Dariera on 01/12/08 at 16:00:13


# by derekreid on 04/11/09 at 02:27:59

Vintage ICQ, awesome...thanks.

# by cactusjack901 on 05/17/09 at 11:39:00

*sigh* if only someone could implement ICQ's typing sound-effects into Adium, until that happens, I'll pass

# by muincat on 03/28/10 at 18:33:02

Awesome! I had ICQ way back when my number was a mere 6 digits! I haven't been on ICQ for probably 10 years, yet to this day, whenever I mess something up or see something wrong, I hear "Uh Oh!" in my brain! :-) I never mention it to anyone because I don't know anyone who uses ICQ anymore and I figure they wouldn't get it. :-)

# by zerok on 02/24/12 at 01:42:11

mach thanx!

# by danrage77 on 05/26/13 at 01:07:55

I mixed sound of icq Mario and MGS perfect setup

# by altamiraweb on 09/23/14 at 18:48:41

Este es el sonido que buscaba

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106.74kb (74282 downloads)

3.60 / 437 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 09/13/04
ICQ sounds are trade marks from Mirabilis