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iBubble 4

iBubble 4

Submitted By Iiro Jäppinen (Iiro)


The iBubble 4 comes updated to Leopard in form of 512x512 pixel icons!

A redefined colour with overlay status icons and pulsating red alert will make sure this icon will please the eye.
The spinning connection animation is present too, of course!


1.1.1 Learned to properly use the 512p image with ApplicationIcon tag. Now the Application icon is the Online state.

1.1 Reverted most of the status icons to 128p to fix jagginess in Dock

1.0 Inital release


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# by scorpion919 on 05/08/08 at 12:46:55


# by aragost on 05/08/08 at 13:19:59

1) All the borders are jaggy, it's especially visible on dark backgrounds!
2) The "unread message" badges are so small it's ridicolous!

# by aragost on 05/08/08 at 13:22:40

Here is a screenshot showing both bugs:

# by Iiro on 05/08/08 at 13:40:06

The icon is a 512 pixel PNG image so that explains both of the bugs. It's basically Adium's fault I guess.
Adium doesn't scale the image down so smoothly, and the badge size is small to begin with so it
becomes even smaller with the 512p icon.

I'm not aware of any other way to do this.

# by dcentity2000 on 05/11/08 at 19:48:26

My word, that is gorgeous!

# by cuiweicui on 10/22/08 at 11:46:10

I've found out how to fix the "unread message" problem.
Just go into the .adiumicon package, and resize all the PNG file to 128*128, except the offline icon.
Thus in folders Adium remains a 512*512 offline icon, and in the dock the smaller icon matches the badges.

# by cuiweicui on 10/22/08 at 12:30:29

Oh and, in the Alert Folder in the package, those picture should also be fixed to 128*128. Don't forget!

# by Iiro on 10/27/08 at 15:29:28

I finally got around to update the package to fix the jagginess.

# by evands on 11/03/08 at 12:39:10

See for how to specify a 512x512 icon for use in Finder and other locations while still using 128x128 for the dock icons.

# by Iiro on 11/03/08 at 14:49:52

Thank you for this. I updated both this and the pending iBubble Black Edition to match the info.
Now the Application icon is looking great!

# by dcentity2000 on 11/04/08 at 19:55:03

You know, if Adium ever decided to retire the duck, THIS icon would get my vote as the replacement.

# by xSpikex on 11/12/08 at 12:00:40

well done... !

# by enkuturi-akrias on 12/01/08 at 01:29:37

Very good, thanks!

# by coreybot on 12/27/08 at 13:02:42

There's an issue with the icon reverting to the online color when the program is closed, instead of the offline color. Just restart your computer after installing the icon to see for yourself. If only I'm having this problem, please speak up. I'm using the latest version of Adium and Mac OS X.

# by Iiro on 12/30/08 at 08:49:48


I think this is the default behaviour and to be expected because of the ApplicationIcon tag. I used the default Online 512p image for it, so that it would look nice in Finder.

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4.40 / 36 votes
Current Version: 1.1.1
Last Updated: 11/03/08
Iiro Jäppinen