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septi v2

septi v2

Submitted By Tamas Gal (septi)


This is version 2 of my icon-theme septi v1.

It's clean and simple, based on transparent black and white. Enjoy!



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# by Spookster on 03/22/08 at 16:55:04

small bug: i get the off-icon when my status is available :)
but great otherwise :)

# by septi on 03/22/08 at 16:58:38

hm thx, but i dont experience this problem. dunno whats wrong, the plist-file is fine... :- do you have the latest adium-version?

# by Spookster on 03/22/08 at 20:47:16

sorry, my bad. It got corrected the next time i changed my status :)
works perfect now…dunno what caused it… :)

# by septi on 03/23/08 at 00:41:22

ah fine :)

# by hardtraks on 03/24/08 at 09:08:47

Really Nice! Where did find this IconSet?

# by septi on 03/24/08 at 09:33:55

The Icon-Set is my own work. I'm gonna upload it soon, if you like it.

# by hardtraks on 03/24/08 at 12:18:26

Oh it's yours? I love it! Can't wait for your upload :)

# by sasquatchcubed on 04/02/08 at 16:09:45

Very cool. Integrates with Leopard quite nicely.

# by sasquatchcubed on 04/02/08 at 16:14:32

Very cool. Integrates with Leopard quite nicely.

# by sasquatchcubed on 04/02/08 at 16:14:53

Oops, double post.

# by donsherio on 08/26/08 at 00:20:41

You should defo keep us posted on the full icon set, I really like it

# by donsherio on 08/27/08 at 07:56:59

Hey, found a bug with your "connecting" sequence in the IconPack.plist file thats keeping it from actually playing the animation when an account is connecting. I went and customized this Dock Icon set for my own personal use, and thats how I found out that the connect sequence was messed up. If you wanna see my mod, you're welcome to contact me :D I wont post it without your permission, its just for my own desktop :p

# by Tims96 on 10/25/08 at 20:18:12

Any news on the full icon set?

# by septi on 04/22/09 at 23:46:28

Hi there,

the full icon-set with 704 icons is now on my website (see my profile).

Have fun : )

# by donsherio on 04/30/09 at 07:24:26

Hi septi,

I was wondering if I could upload your dock icon for Adium as a variation. I wanted to play around with the look and changed the logging in status icon. You'd get full cred for the original of course. Let me know via reply.

# by septi on 04/30/09 at 09:46:27

Feel free to publish it : )

# by ernes28 on 10/16/09 at 09:43:53

I already have the set of icons and have installed all of them except for one ,how did you install the iCall icon? and what icon did you use? was it the invisible for please ,help will be appreciated .

# by septi on 10/19/09 at 01:25:34

Hi ernes28, you have to open the package of iCal (right-click or ctrl-click on, and then replace in files "App.icns" and "App-empty.icns" in "Contents/Resources/" with the invisible icon from the Adium package. That icon is also in my set, which can be downloaded from my website (see my profile).

: )

# by TheFalconer on 07/26/10 at 20:56:26

I'm experiencing a bug where the Adium Duck appears for new message notifications. It's extremely small, and in the lower left hand corner of the '!!!' square. Is this a known bug, or something unique to me?


# by melynda85 on 08/12/10 at 03:59:36

hát ez a legjobb adium ikon, tökjó, hogy magyar csinálta :)

# by septi on 08/18/10 at 13:23:26

köszi szépen :D örülök, hogy tetszik :)

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77.4kb (12905 downloads)

4.20 / 122 votes
Current Version: 2.2
Last Updated: 10/13/09
Created by Tamas Gal