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It's a Dock!

It's a Dock!

Submitted By tavilach


A style that gives your contact list the simple and clean look of the dock!

Update (10/18/04): This contact list style has been ported to Adium X 0.7! You are downloading both a list layout and a color theme.



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# by Junpei on 08/17/04 at 07:46:19

Cool idea ^_^

# by on 08/17/04 at 08:07:23

best theme EVAR!!!

# by CzarDerivative on 08/17/04 at 16:34:26

OMG DAMN TAVI, that theme is FREAKIN' AWESOME... holy crap your skills r0ck the h0us3!!!

# by CzarDerivative on 08/17/04 at 16:35:18

no i'm not being sarcastic... very cool theme.

# by on 08/17/04 at 20:00:16

Tavi is my bff and ya'll should love him too and he's uber smart and berkely is the best school F stanford! plus his little invention rocks the boat.

# by on 08/17/04 at 20:12:25

Very creative theme, finally a new take on Adium's theming abilities!

# by muring-wien on 08/17/04 at 21:03:28

crazy bro... I will give the Adium Oscar for Ue....

# by on 08/18/04 at 05:01:11

The Bears obviously have the best designing skills. This is one awesome theme that everyone should download. Perhaps Adium should even consider making it the default it's so good?

# by Be Obscure on 08/24/04 at 21:34:12

Great style. It's original and great.

# by BlueRevolution on 08/28/04 at 19:58:34

nice idea, just one tip - turn the shadow off to make it look more like the Dock

# by kres on 08/29/04 at 21:06:05

kool theme
but how do you do to make the white bar of the contact list disapear ?

# by tavilach on 09/23/04 at 23:07:07


To remove the titlebar in Adium, just go to Preferences -> Advanced -> Display Preferences, and check "Borderless."

If that's not what you're referring to, then I don't know what you're talking about. Care to elaborate?

# by Magflux on 10/19/04 at 04:00:18

Nice theme! Goes along with the message view style... what is that message view style anyways??

# by tavilach on 10/19/04 at 04:22:56

Thanks, Magflux! The message view style is good old "Smooth Operator," which comes with Adium. I just customized the background color to match my contact list style.

# by tavilach on 11/02/04 at 03:19:40

If anyone has any suggestions to improve this theme, I'd more more than welcome to listen!

# by on 11/02/04 at 15:33:36

real nice dont change anything! ^^

# by evan on 11/02/04 at 22:39:07

What message view style is that? I really like it.

# by evan on 11/02/04 at 22:40:31

Oh wait nevermind I didn't read the other comments.

# by tavilach on 11/05/04 at 21:42:31

Thanks, Rob :).

# by on 12/25/04 at 15:32:33

Can U send me the name of the network monitor u're using on your titlebar?

# by on 12/26/04 at 02:14:31

wow...133.7 degrees F, purdy hot

# by tavilach on 02/01/05 at 00:44:09

Admin, the network monitor is part of MenuMeters (, by Alex Harper (who also wrote SideTrack).

# by on 02/01/05 at 23:12:01

I luvvvvv it! I like the look of this so much...for I do not like screen clutter on my desktop. It pleases me muchly. Thanks Tavilach. =)

# by on 03/16/05 at 07:48:47

hey tavi, really awesome work...i love it. what's the iTunes controller you're using in your menubar? also what's the icon to the right of it for?

# by tavilach on 03/16/05 at 08:39:23

Thanks, reiyn and Tony :). The iTunes controller is Synergy ( and the icon to the right of it is Salling Clicker ( :).

# by dan on 05/04/05 at 07:37:18

is there anyway to get the title-bar to become invisible with v. 0.8? I cant find the option in the customize menu.

# by on 05/06/05 at 05:06:01

Is this going to be updated for adium .8?

# by on 05/06/05 at 14:14:21

Thanks a lot for this one! However, I can't seem to make it transparent in Adium 0.8. Do anyone know anything about this?

# by on 05/09/05 at 15:37:01

Nevermind my last post... I must have been temporarily blind :S


# by Ringo on 06/14/05 at 17:04:59

Is the title a "Death to Smoochy" reference?

# by on 07/13/05 at 23:55:29

the best contact list by far... thanx man

# by Dominic on 04/17/06 at 05:15:53

i cant make the friggin top bar transparent

# by basmets on 04/22/06 at 20:00:40

Really great theme. One question, what message style are u using?

# by Fenoxielo on 06/26/06 at 15:46:03

Great theme! What message style is that, by the way?

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1.57kb (29623 downloads)

3.50 / 352 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 11/02/04