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Submitted By René Köcher (Shirk)


(Again) Pretty self-explanatory: this message style is designed to mimic the look of Iconfactory's Twitterrific.
I wrote it to complete the Adium2Twitterrific mod since a decent message style was missing.

To get the configuration shown in the preview you will also need these:

Twitterrific Status Icons:
Twitterrific Contact List Style:


  • new variant 'StandoutReply' - replies look like direct messages

Something went wrong while packaging, the whole path got zipped.. fixed this issue..



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by kmccormi on 01/12/08 at 22:51:32

Wow, a great complement to my status icons and contact list style. Thanks for your hard work!

# by kmccormi on 01/12/08 at 22:55:19

As of now, it won't install or download ... they probably haven't finished the approval process yet. Will try again in a little while.

# by kmccormi on 01/12/08 at 23:06:08

Ok, works now and looks great. Bulky ... but that's just because it's accurate to the real thing. Nice work.

# by Shirk on 01/13/08 at 17:27:47

Thanks, I really appreciate your words - but it was just the missing part to complete your great work ;)

# by lauramhepp on 01/18/08 at 21:23:16

anyway to change the font on this?

# by haifischjunge on 02/08/08 at 15:50:29

it would be great to add timestamps for the messages. also if adding another line without having received an reply it would be space-saving to resize the actual "bubble" and not start a new one.

great work btw...

# by shteeve on 04/04/08 at 03:28:54

love it! several things though:
-long urls don't seem to wrap to the window width like they do in other themes
-i'm a fan of adjusting background transparency, but custom backgrounds are greyed out for this theme. its probably a technical limitation necessary for some other element of the theme to work, but i figured i'd ask anyway.
-i echo haifischjunge's suggestion to group consecutive messages in a single bubble, but really your approach is cleaner than many, so i can't complain!

# by hotnightcrasher on 07/14/08 at 01:59:13

this is pretty cool, i think it might look a little less bulky if the chatwindow bubbles were smaller and kept text together.

# by PM1 on 12/07/08 at 05:17:36

This is an awesome message style! looks very clean and sleek

# by Bhikha on 09/01/09 at 02:06:07

you are THE BEST!

# by Bhikha on 09/01/09 at 02:14:18

could you do a version like this but with the time of when the message was sent?

# by rion on 07/07/10 at 10:56:54

FYI: Can't find variable: alignchat

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27.78kb (4811 downloads)

3.80 / 12 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 01/13/08