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Submitted By ashe613 (ashe613)


This is a script that generates a random slap to hit the person you're chatting to. This is a piece of Fun, not at all serious...

I [action] {name} [prep] [adjective] [object] .

[action] - verb e.g.: kills, slaps, hits
{name} - the name specified when the script is called...
[prep] - a preposition. either with or without... 1/18 chance of without...
[adjective] - an adjective to describe the object... also contains the indirect object (a or an) e.g.: an enormous, or a great big
[object] - a miscellany of random objects... e.g.: acer laptop. can also be blank, which then removes the [prep] and [adjective]

they both invoke this script...


Version 0.4
  • Added functionality for Adium 1.2
  • Added {name} argument
  • Removed auto sense of slapper and slapped's names
  • Changed first word of the output to I

Version 0.3
  • Reduced chance of [prep] = "without" from 25%

Version 0.2
  • Spelling Changes

Version 0.1
  • First Release


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# by ashe613 on 02/22/08 at 19:52:22

I'll not be continuing development of this Xtra, but anyone else is welcome to, and e-mail updates to me to upload.

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8.24kb (2228 downloads)

4.60 / 7 votes
Current Version: 0.4
Last Updated: 01/17/08