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Homer Simpson

Homer Simpson

Submitted By DBS (DBS)


Enjoy Homer Simpson as your dock icon on Adium



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# by loadedsith on 09/03/08 at 02:40:08

Sweet, Thanks!

# by Nakimi69 on 09/16/08 at 16:25:59

Can you please advise what action each icon represents? (^__^) Other than that, really awesome dock icon!! Thanks!

# by gregstandingalone on 10/02/08 at 04:54:13

how do i make this work?

# by DBS on 10/02/08 at 05:16:54

I don't actually know what you are asking. Technically the icons are created with Photoshop.

# by gregstandingalone on 10/02/08 at 13:54:35

i downloaded it and installed it but it still doesnt show up as homer

# by -KingROFL- on 11/01/08 at 07:00:50

you have to choose it in your pfrefrences :D

# by gregstandingalone on 11/01/08 at 09:50:40

hah yup it works now, thanks alot

# by kdayton on 08/31/09 at 05:38:47

What happened to the animated dock icon. I liked when Homer's eyes were open when Adium was running and closed when it was not. Any chance of getting the old animated one back?

# by DBS on 08/31/09 at 11:29:19

In fact the animated dock icon has never been like that thus nothing has changed!

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Last Updated: 12/17/07