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Countdown in Dutch!

Countdown in Dutch!

Submitted By Bor


Hi! Jose Luis Benaventemade a Multilingual countdown with precision control. I translated it to Dutch.

How it works:

%_cdlang{15/12/2007 18:30, en}: 8 weeks, 3 days, 1 hours, and 31 minutes (in english)
%_cdlang{15/12/2007 18:30, es}: 8 semanas, 3 días, 1 horas, y 31 minutos (in spanish)
%_cdlang{15/12/2007 18:30, de}: 8 Wochen, 3 Tage, 1 Stunde, und 31 Minuten (in german)
%_cdlang{15/12/2007 18:30, nl}: 8 Weken, 3 Dagen, 1 uur en 31 Minuten (in Dutch)

%_cdformat{15/12/2007 18:30,wdhm}: 8 weeks, 3 days, 1 hours, and 31 minutes
%_cdformat{15/12/2007 18:30,wdh}: 8 weeks, 3 days, and 1 hours
%_cdformat{15/12/2007 18:30,wd}: 8 weeks and 3 days
%_cdformat{15/12/2007 18:30,d}: 59 days
%_cdformat{15/12/2007 18:30,hm}: 1417 hours and 25 minutes
%_cdformat{15/12/2007 18:30,m}: 86821 minutes

Remember that al technical stuff is done by Jose Luis Benaventemade, I only made the Dutch translation ;)


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# by joseluis on 12/13/07 at 17:09:01

But you pissed off the english language.....
I've added your translation to "my" Countdown also (isn't fully mine, because the countdown algoritm I get it form ithe's countdown)

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Last Updated: 12/02/07