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HAL 9000

HAL 9000

Submitted By Tovarizzle


After seeing Daniel Grenell's "HAL" Dock Icon set, I decided to use the same idea to make my first icon set and to test my icon animation skills. Here's the result!

I'm not trying to step on any toes by releasing this, I'm just hoping that maybe other people might want to build on my ideas and work to make this an even better iconset.


Update: Due to school and other factors, I'm not planning on updating this iconset myself. If anybody would like to continue editing and improving this icon on their own, I invite them to do so. As such, please consider the images, code, and other associated files open to all for editing and re-posting, re-doing, reusing and rampant theiving. Thanks!



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# by tedger on 07/29/04 at 23:36:21

well done!

# by danielgrenell on 07/30/04 at 19:15:40

i really don't mind, i was just thinking about updating it, and you've basically made my ideas a reality. i was getting lazy anyway. no toes have been stepped on, i just hope you don't mind me using your set :)

# by on 10/27/04 at 01:16:16

Sweet! These are awesome!

I'm a huge Arthur C. Clarke fan; I own almost all of his books, is some cases multiple editions of the same, and have 2001 and 2010 both on laser disc and VHS.

Whoever made these (Daniel Grenell, is it?), you just made my day.

# by on 01/25/05 at 23:13:35

Awesome. Simple and informative. I love the functionality while referencing a wonderful film.

# by BlueRevolution on 02/01/05 at 03:39:03

too lazy to tweak it myself, but does the red seem a little too orangey to you? anyway, nice work on this - now I have a nice icon for one of my hard drives (the one called HAL 9000 :)

# by enano275 on 05/04/05 at 00:45:27

great!! really.. awesome!! good job

# by bukowskimouski on 09/08/05 at 03:02:27

omg, this is awesome. i've been thinking about 2001 ever since i started listening to space odity by david bowie who i've been listening to ever since seeing the life aquatic. so now i want something for adium from the life aquatic.

# by Wizardling on 09/29/05 at 09:13:37

Kinda cool, but I wish it weren't quite so static. Good effort though!

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 07/29/04
The Original Graphic was found online (Source Unknown), Colorizing, Scripting and Animation was done by myself. The idea for a HAL set comes from Daniel Grenell's HAL set.