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Adium Matte |
Submitted By Joshua Bryant (Fusion) |
DescriptionAdium Matte is the Adium version of iChat Matte. It simulates iChat's bubbles but instead of the default aqua appearance, it uses a matte appearance that is more subtle and appealing.Because of the limitations of Adium Message Styles and my own time, I was only able to make incoming variants. Your message color will always be aqua. Feel free to change this to anything you want with the main.css stylesheet in the xtra. It will accept any color and mask it accordingly. Since I'm not a full-time Adium user, you might find the occasional bug. Feel free to leave comments or suggestions here or on my blog. ChangesUpdate: Andy Allcorn or phantomgorilla.com has kindly updated this to fix some issues. As I mentioned, I don't use Adium so I wasn't able to test this out but I trust that he did a fantastic job. The changes include:
ImagesCommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by lofight on 11/18/07 at 15:42:17very nice, only one big problem, when you put an image as background, around the text fields there's a big white border :(
# by Fusion on 11/18/07 at 16:18:09lofight, that shouldn't be happening, I'll check it out as soon as I can.
# by smoke_tetsu on 11/18/07 at 23:10:20Great Job I have been waiting for this. ;) Besides the problem which Fusion mentioned I would also like to be able to change the outgoing color.
# by tasmanian_devil on 11/19/07 at 00:39:19There are a few bugs. The colors aren;t what they say. I chose aqua and I got purple, purple and i got blue, graphite and i got aqua and so on. If you could fix it, that'd be great. but otherwise, awesome style.
# by enkuturi-akrias on 11/19/07 at 12:42:07Maybe you're daltonic xD just kidding
I didn't get variations... i select any variation and it stills yellow-aqua... # by tasmanian_devil on 04/12/08 at 20:20:40oh, well for me, it kept changing and I got confused, love the style anyway
# by csquared on 11/19/07 at 01:51:37Excellent concept. As tasmanian_devil pointed out above, there are a few bugs. The colors don't seem to be assigned to the correct titles in the variants. Also, the status messages/notifications (e.g., "____ went away") are too closely spaced together vertically; increase the leading in the stylesheet and things should be fine.
# by Fusion on 11/19/07 at 01:56:00Thanks for the bug reports everyone. I'm not an Adium user, this was simply an answer to requests for a port of my iChat Matte style. I'll work out the bug fixes and post and update as soon as I can. Cheers.
# by toastyghost on 11/19/07 at 18:34:08It seems part of the problem comes from the 'show header' option, if you deselect this it produces the correct colours for me.
# by greatcaffeine on 11/22/07 at 03:29:11My only complaint is that long words (or links) make a horizontal scroll bar show up. That's the only thing keeping me from giving this 5 ducks!
# by kikuchiyo on 11/23/07 at 11:48:41I'm using this right now and adore it but would love to see an updated version :)
# by fivetosix on 12/01/07 at 14:10:05How would you get the grey iChat-style bottom to the window? Is there something else to download to use that? At this point, the only iChat-type thing I see are the bubbles.. Thanks :)
# by freshj on 12/16/07 at 15:31:23Hey I really like this but the time stamp and away status text looks rubbish. It looks out of place, like it isn't aligned properly. I love the bubbles though.
# by janna2000 on 02/14/08 at 03:15:19Can someone tell me how to apply message styles, once I've downloaded it? I'm new to this, lol.
# by AudioFreak on 04/05/08 at 16:14:36Do you see a 'think-balloon' when someone is typing, just like iChat?
# by ispytonyv on 04/13/08 at 16:30:30Looks great. One question (related to the post above mine)... I notice in the resources you have thought bubble images, so I'm also curious how to enable those if possible?
# by iwamoto on 04/13/08 at 17:37:35hey guys, great work keeping this Xtra alive, funny thing, i started using this one again a few days ago, and this morning i checked the site, what a coinsidence :) keep it up!
# by mathuaerknedam on 04/14/08 at 12:58:41FYI, the "on my blog" link in the description is missing the initial "h" of the URL "http://..." :)
# by Fusion on 04/15/08 at 18:23:46Thanks, just updated it! The link should be right in a few hours after the change gets approved.
# by G-Force on 05/03/08 at 08:13:53Thank you very much for the update. This is the best message style ever. :)
# by Yogunagetcutt on 05/03/08 at 09:57:07i love this. It looks very appealing, keep up the good work! Five ducks :)
# by euroman3000 on 06/23/08 at 15:06:11Thx for this style, it looks just great! The only thing missing is a custom background support. I'd love to see that! You think that's possible?
# by Fusion on 06/27/08 at 12:06:37Honestly, I hate Adium so I have no interest in updating this style much. I have no qualms if someone wants to do it themselves, like Andy did for the last update ... but I'm primarily interested in keeping the style updated for iChat, not Adium since that's what I use. Feel free to play around with it though.
# by holmesy892 on 07/10/08 at 21:24:19how do u change ur message color from aqua to different colors!?!?!
# by EnzoFX on 09/04/08 at 05:09:57Hey, just wanna say great job. It looks great, and put the extra effort in. I love the fact that it wraps around, where other skins simply don't.
# by bebopblues on 10/18/08 at 17:08:28is it possible to add the time stamp to each chat message like other message styles? I know iChat doesn't have it either but I really like to see the time stamp option in this style. As it is now, it only show the time stamp of when the chat got started, not time of each message. An example of a message style that has time stamp per message is Renkoo.
# by aduelley on 12/11/08 at 23:55:49Yes, you can add time stamps to this. If you open up the package contents for Adium, go into the resources directory, then the message styles directory. Inside open up the contents of the Adium Matte package. There you need to edit the status.html file(to add a time stamp when a user changes status) in dashcode or something like it, because you don't want to open it as an HTML file. add %time% in a new line above %message%. Now to add a time stamp to the incoming and outbound messages you need to first go to the incoming directory. There you will see 2 content files and 2 nextcontent files. You also want to open these with dashcode. In the content files you want to add the line
%time% to the line above the line with something in it like %message%. Now in the nextcontent file you want to add the line %time% in the line above the message line. Add the same things to the same files within the outgoing directory. The time stamp may look really big on the messages, you can fix it by editing the size or font family of your messages. # by aduelley on 12/12/08 at 00:03:16Ok, the two lines with %time% in their own line should have some html code in them, but I didn't realize when I posted this they wouldn't show up. The status.html one is correct to only have %time%. They should both say:
"" %time% "" You just need to take out the quotes that surround the brackets. # by bebopblues on 01/15/09 at 00:17:07I use the variant Incoming Shuffle. Is there a way to limit to just certain colors for the incoming shuffle to use? Or is it easier to just remove the colors that I don't want it to use?
# by iTuomas on 01/21/09 at 20:47:19I absolutely love this! I'm currently using it. Very subtle, but stylish :)
# by nil on 03/26/09 at 13:41:49Hello , i love it ! it's awesome !
I think it's a good idea to add round corner to user's icon ;) # by DBrenz on 06/25/09 at 17:40:37and why can't i change the background color on this wonderfully simple message style??
(thank you for the creation, perhaps you could offer a few more variables but again, thank you) # by alabanco on 07/18/09 at 16:37:39I have a problem with font size.
If I choose to change font size from 12 to 13 or higher - I notice that my messages get bigger font size and my friend's reply comments are smaller. # by alabanco on 07/18/09 at 16:46:14I use Helvetica font. Size - 14. But my messages' font tend to be bigger than replies of my frined in messages window.
Although when I close and open window my old messages have normal size Any guesses ? # by duyvan82 on 09/24/09 at 14:26:13Excellent update mate, I'm loving!!! I think you should add message grouping, that would make this the best adium message template EVA!!!
# by VitaliCV on 06/27/10 at 08:54:25I love it, .....please, can you make a little more big the image of users in the conversations??, o can you tellme how to modify this?
# by PRMiguelito on 12/25/11 at 22:53:52How do you changed the bottom of the chat window? I want my entry box like yours
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# by Brutal on 11/18/07 at 11:04:23