gravatarMe |
Submitted By Piet Jaspers (junkiesxl) |
DescriptionAppleScript to change your Display Image to your Gravatar image What is a gravatar? A gravatar, or globally recognized avatar, is quite simply an 80×80 pixel avatar image that follows you from weblog to weblog appearing beside your name when you comment on gravatar enabled sites. Avatars help identify your posts on web forums, so why not on weblogs? usage: any time you want to update your image to your gravatar run the script (by typing %_gravatar in a chat window) ChangesSupport for Adium 1.3.10 by Ross ( can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. Post a New CommentYou must be logged in to post comments. |
# by bittin on 10/21/08 at 10:05:55