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Submitted By R Deis (RDeis)


A shiney soundset I've been using for a good long while. Actual soundbites from the pilot and last episode of our tv show, featuring quotes from 6 of the BDHs as well as Early. It's actual spoken lines so they might get a bit intrusive (and, as a warning, if you hear them enough they sound out of place in the actual TV show), but they work pretty well.

Comments are welcome- this being my first soundset.


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# by msmercury on 12/05/07 at 19:42:57

Not bad. One of my all time favorite shows. I'd like to hear a soundset with some of the music used in the show.

# by RDeis on 12/07/07 at 23:07:12

I got the sounds off a site as they are. ^^; If I figured out how to cut music and had the soundtrack I might be able to do that, but I don't. =/

# by Corny on 06/02/09 at 02:52:26

With quite a bunch of contacts it get's a bit annoying, especially because the "crowded"-soundclip is not that calmly spoken ;) Also, since the soundclips for incoming messages are a bit long, it bugs me in some longer dialogues...
But hey, don't want to only nag - you chose the soundclips very well, they fit. And maybe it's just because I didn't use soundsets for a while, so I have to get used to it, I guess :)

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136.59kb (2964 downloads)

2.90 / 8 votes
Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 10/11/07
Sounds from the TV series Firefly, and copyrighted to them.