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dotAdiumEmoticonSet Creator

dotAdiumEmoticonSet Creator

Submitted By Alessandro Cocco (alecocco)


You can create your set of emoticons easily with this application!

You could find some bugs, but don't worry, this is a beta version! I'll fix them very soon.

This software is FREEWARE :)


Version 0.9b - Initial release



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by And2 on 09/03/07 at 07:09:23

fehcs rilli util :sisi:

# by alecocco on 09/09/07 at 15:23:32

ma lol

# by dcentity2000 on 09/03/07 at 17:54:22


# by recipiente on 09/04/07 at 07:02:00

Great work men, long time i have looking something like that. But i have a question. Haw much take to people hwo does use MNS Messenger (puaj!!!) can see the avatar that i create? Pitfully nobody on that app. can see them or any other customs avatar, like the adium set, its a shame, these ducks RULEs.
Anyway, veru very nice work

# by And2 on 09/06/07 at 20:54:56

facevi prima a dirlo in italiano :asd:

# by Lalalà on 09/04/07 at 12:33:04

Loving the icon :P

# by alecocco on 09/04/07 at 13:54:51


# by Lalalà on 09/04/07 at 13:56:33

Just kiddin', you kwon.

Loads of love :*

# by alecocco on 09/04/07 at 14:48:34


# by jack_bauer24 on 09/05/07 at 20:41:16

i created my icon set but my contacts who used windows live messenger cannot see my emoticons... sigh, what's the problem?

# by alecocco on 09/06/07 at 06:10:01

This is Adium ^_^

With Adium you cannot send custom emoticons to others :(

# by JacobTheJacob on 09/09/07 at 16:58:36

Do you need 10.4?

# by alecocco on 09/10/07 at 11:22:21

My application requires java 1.5 (or greater) ^^

# by Genesis on 09/18/07 at 13:28:23

Oh this is just awesome. What a great Watchmen reference! And I didn't even test the program yet...

# by alecocco on 09/19/07 at 11:44:41


# by eison_iq on 02/19/08 at 15:16:54

It doesn't work in Mac OS X beacause it is incomplete.
Can you fix that?

# by alecocco on 02/25/08 at 20:58:18

Tiger? Leopard?

What means "incomplete"?

# by And2 on 11/13/08 at 19:15:11

viva la figaa

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203.54kb (4575 downloads)

3.90 / 50 votes
Current Version: 0.9b
Last Updated: 09/01/07
Thanks to Alessandro Massone for icon ^^