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Link Snes

Link Snes

Submitted By Barny Lanman (Baruni-kun)


My first attempt at a dock icon. It's Link from the Super Nintendo version of Zelda. Made simply because I wanted a link icon myself and couldn't find one, but I thought I'd share in case anyone else wanted one.

I know it's quite small, and it gets smaller when connectin, any other feedback would be greatly appreciated.

Hope you like it!



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# by huggabledust on 11/12/07 at 04:16:59

i think you answered yourself, it would be amazing if it was larger to blend in with other dock icons.

# by Baruni-kun on 11/12/07 at 13:31:22

Yeah. Maybe I should work on a version 2.

# by Baruni-kun on 11/12/07 at 13:31:23

Yeah. Maybe I should work on a version 2.

# by Baruni-kun on 11/12/07 at 13:32:56

This comment was so good I just had to post it twice.

# by huggabledust on 11/12/07 at 17:04:01

haha, it's totally fine. i really love the icon, but just making link bigger for offline, online and alert would make this icon perfect.

# by thezoed on 11/18/07 at 16:58:20

I appreciate the efforts here. It inspires me to rip some pixels myself...
It would be powerful to have link holding up the Master Sword for alert. The boomerang just doesn't work well for me.

# by huggabledust on 11/18/07 at 21:06:53

is it too hard to make it bigger myself? i tried looking in the package contents of the file and tried to make the pngs larger but it ended up not doing anything?

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Last Updated: 08/22/07