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Little Britain

Little Britain

Submitted By Baron Malcolm Hasslinger (Reglay)


It is my first Soundset and it is based on the british TV-show Little Britain. I love the show. The idea came from my big brother, he thought it would be funny hearing all those funny sounds, like that "Eheheh" from Anne or the "Yeah,I know" from Andy. So I made it. Have fun ;-)



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# by Vitus.G.M on 09/28/07 at 04:40:52

Could you please change the Format, or just change it so it works? Or am I the only one the soundset doens't work?

# by Reglay on 09/28/07 at 10:56:44

It doesn't work? I have the same problem with my Adium, but all soundsets seem not to work. When I install a new one, there comes an error-message.
But if you want me to I could at least try to change the formats. At the moment I am very busy so I will probably do it on tuesday or later.
Thank you for the comment!

# by nikey on 09/28/07 at 22:58:20

it doesnt work at all

# by iwamoto on 10/02/07 at 16:08:53

damn it, i want it, but it won't open either, what's wrong with it?

# by Vitus.G.M on 10/03/07 at 17:10:23

i wanna have it! ;-)

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115.08kb (1044 downloads)

2.90 / 7 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 08/21/07