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Now Playing in Pandora |
Submitted By Travis Sanderson (redjag) |
Description"Now Playing in Pandora" is a simple AppleScript that works with PandoraBoy to display your current playing track in Adium using %_pandora.Pandora? Pandora is a sort of internet radio service that uses a database characterizing songs based on up to 400 different characteristics (Music Genome Project) to find music you like. Pick a track or an artist to get it started and it will fetch songs you might like. Give it feedback on the songs it finds and it will better define what you like and retrieve more music. PandoraBoy? PandoraBoy is an OS X app that lets you run Pandora separate from a web browser (using webkit I assume) as well as letting you assign keystrokes to the Pandora controls as well as integration with Growl. Note that you must be using PandoraBoy to play Pandora for this script to work. I'm not affiliated with Pandora, the Music Genome Project, PandoraBoy, or Growl. I do find the combination of this stuff along with Adium very useful and wanted a script that could generate a "What I'm listening to" blurb similar to the one for iTunes and thought other people might be interested in it, too. ChangesChanges in 0.2: Added %_linkPandora version that has musical notes on either side that you can click to bring up an iTunes search for the track.CommentsYou can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each. # by sentineljones on 10/18/07 at 18:30:19This is pretty nice ... but for some reason it will only say "Not listening to anything" - which from looking at the script it seems to indicate this is a general error condition?
Despite being a programmer, I've never seen AppleScript until today, so I'm not entirely sure what I'm looking at. # by redjag on 10/18/07 at 18:57:12It should only display "Not listening to anything" if it doesn't find PandoraBoy running. Do you have the PandoraBoy application running?
# by sentineljones on 10/18/07 at 19:29:33Affirmative. Seems that maybe PandoraBoy has to be restarted after installing the Adium script - because PandoraBoy notifies a bus and Adium does not query? Again, sorry for my ignorance of how AppleScript works.
In any case after restarting PandoraBoy, the status seems to work. :) # by sentineljones on 11/01/07 at 17:37:33Just FYI, looks like PandoraBoy will no longer be updated. Announcement here: http://www.frozensilicon.net/
# by redjag on 12/03/07 at 19:58:04PandoraBoy is on google code and it looks like rintaw is maintaining it now. Hooray: http://code.google.com/p/pandoraboy/
# by redjag on 01/03/08 at 22:25:05I'm not sure if this got corrupted at some point but the version I downloaded here didn't work so I uploaded a new one.. should be up soon.
# by jguice on 01/28/08 at 20:07:19Awesome!!! Been waiting awhile for someone to do this :D Thanks!!!
# by jolleyjoe on 05/05/08 at 00:00:15Um... is this one not currently working? I'm running Adium 1.2.5 :(
# by redjag on 05/05/08 at 00:31:40I'm running PandoraBoy 0.5.0 and Adium 1.2.5 and it appears to work for me. Are you using PandoraBoy to play your Pandora music? The app has to be running for the script to be able to get the track info.
# by jolleyjoe on 05/21/08 at 03:31:41Really?
I do have PandoraBoy running while Adium is running. As well, I put %_linkPandora in my Adium away message :(. It's not working for me. I have Adium 1.2.5, and PandoraBoy 0.5.1. # by redjag on 05/24/08 at 21:34:30I've updated to PandoraBoy 0.5.1 and it still appears to work. Does %_pandora work and just not the linked version? Some protocols don't let you send HTML messages, I believe. What protocol are you using (AIM/MSN/etc)?
# by jolleyjoe on 05/27/08 at 15:38:08Yeah, both %_pandora and %_linkPandora don't work. Even if I paste it into a conversation, nothing happens (not even an empty line is sent). :(
# by redjag on 06/16/08 at 19:05:26This is no longer working for myself, either, presumably after a reboot. Seems maybe there is a problem with the AppleScript dictionary.
# by jolleyjoe on 06/16/08 at 19:06:57That is so strange. You didn't reboot for a month?! :O
Developer, please help! hehe. # by mcnubbins on 09/19/08 at 17:45:07Awesome! I've been waiting for a script like this for a while. :)
I love Pandora Radio but always missed being able to show off what I was listening to. I didn't even know about PandoraBoy until I saw this, and until then I was using the Adobe AIR application...needless to say PandoraBoy has a lot more functionality (Growl, shortcuts, and now Adium status integration) so I'm happy on both fronts. Thanks a bunch! # by pepper2001 on 04/29/09 at 17:56:11I'm having trouble with this plugin. The Adium status does not update unless I force it. If I change my status to something else, and then change it back to %_Pandora, it updates. Otherwise, it just sits there with the same song/artist all the time. I'm running Adium 1.3.3, PandoraBoy 0.7.0, OS X 10.5.6. Any help would be appreciated.
# by redjag on 04/29/09 at 18:01:41Hmm, well this script doesn't do anything special for updating status. Adium re-runs the script every so often, I'm not sure what exactly the interval is. Is the status getting stuck on a song and not ever changing even after a few minutes? My status seems to update every 15-20 seconds or so.
# by pepper2001 on 04/29/09 at 18:11:26Thanks for the reply. It never changes, unless I force it. If I start Adium before I start Pandoraboy, it will just sit at "Not Playing Anything". Maybe I'm missing a setting in Adium? I'm really not sure. I love the feature, but I wish it would update!
# by redjag on 04/29/09 at 18:20:50Since manually running the script still gives the current song, I think this is an Adium issue rather than a problem with the script. Might not hurt to look in to filing a bug, I'm not an Adium developer so I can't really help, sorry! Also, to my knowledge there is no setting to have Adium automatically update your status, pretty sure that is always supposed to be updating!
# by yz4now on 06/30/09 at 07:35:20This script don't seem to be working anymore. It only works if I have PandoraBoy closed and it says "Nothing is playing" but once I open pandoraboy it says nothing. If someone could help me I would appreciate it :]
# by redjag on 06/30/09 at 23:12:05I am running PandoraBoy 0.7.0 and Adium 1.3.5 and it is still working as normal for me. Are you up to date on both applications?
# by yz4now on 06/30/09 at 23:20:27Yes I have PandoraBoy 0.7.0 and Adium 1.3.5 but I am still on Tiger 10.4.11 could this be the issue?
# by redjag on 06/30/09 at 23:25:34Could be, shoot me an email adium@travass.com and we can do a little more troubleshooting.
# by jayman978 on 07/23/09 at 21:39:06I can't seem to get this to work. I tried making my status %_pandora and it just shows %_pandora as my status. This is my first attempt at using an Adium extension so I'm bet I am just doing something wrong. What should I be trying? When I type %_pandora into a message it shows the current track playing. Thanks for any assistance!
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# by aphrospice on 09/16/07 at 01:52:04
# by redjag on 09/19/07 at 13:35:36