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The Real Adium CS3

The Real Adium CS3

Submitted By Austen Varian (Austen)


The Real CS3 Adium icon for all of you that seem to find it hard to make an icon the right size. Feel free to edit if you prefer icon states.

This is the exact font and size used in the original cs3 icons. Not a cheap imitation. Please email me if you have any issues or suggestions.



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# by luegopasa on 08/15/07 at 21:25:16

Somebody had a rough day..., although I must admit they do look more like the *real* ones...

# by luegopasa on 08/15/07 at 22:04:08

Awww, come on, I like yours! No need to be an asshole about it.

# by Reita-sama on 08/17/07 at 21:44:24

Personally, I find the other one to be quite fugly. This is great, thanks.

# by evarga on 11/13/07 at 02:44:48

Hi, would you be willing to share the .psd for this dock icon? :D

# by Kwaa on 02/08/08 at 16:13:48

Where can i get the rest of the icons?
Realy nice anyways.

# by stevie_b on 04/07/08 at 18:06:23

I like yours the best, but they are not correct as much as you talk smack about the other ones.
The A is not the same, (you can tell with the "hole" of the A) as seen here -
I think it is the same font, but they used a condensed version

# by stevie_b on 04/07/08 at 18:20:20

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4.10 / 18 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 08/13/07
Austen Varian