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GAIA Contact list

GAIA Contact list

Submitted By Florian Pichler (pichfl)


Exclusive release of the contact list style for the GAIA suite.

Includes both, Colours and Layout, works well with and without groups.

The statusicons are not yet released here. Don't ask for them, I did not made them. But don't forget to check out the GAIA suite download-page and the downlodable guikit-suite as it's .dmg contains these statusicons.

Do not release modifications, personal updates or ports (e.g. to other messengers) without my permission!

Adium Set for GAIA
You may also want to download the GAIA Messageview.


1.0 First Release



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# by Zoialord on 08/17/07 at 03:52:46


I like using the GAIA theme this really just adds the finishing touch to it

Thankyou :D

# by Steffen. on 09/21/07 at 23:26:29

Bei mir sieht das leider garnicht so aus :(
Da fehlt z.B. dieser fette Kontakte Balken drüber. Brauch ich noch was damit das funzt?

# by pichfl on 09/24/07 at 07:37:07

Just make yourself familiar with all the options Adium offers for displaying the contact list. You need to change your contact-list-view to normal window.

# by Ri.Co on 02/06/08 at 12:56:47

this looks awesome, but where can I get those status icons ?

grtz Rc

# by nnk on 06/04/08 at 11:59:47

I also need those status icons which such desperation I will wait for them on Prozac.

# by pichfl on 06/04/08 at 14:16:27

look for the GAIA suite, I think the .dmg has them.

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4.87kb (9573 downloads)

4.10 / 28 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 07/25/07